I am one of those people who think trinkets give people an unfair advantage in LD. I say unfair only because not everybody uses them. If trinkets were not allowed in Lockdown, I believe everybody would have a fair chance against each other. This way, the points would be based on skill, and not player wealth. Say you have a Skolver with FF facing off against a Skolver with FF and 2 penta heart trinkets. The Skolver with the trinkets would almost always win, since, except for people like Sciaz and Chris (they use a slightly different technique from what I've seen), everyone uses the same hit and run technique with the flourish line, making conflicts health-based. If the situation were Skolver and FF vs Skolver and FF, then it would be pure skill to determine the winner.
Proposed solution:
Take away trinkets in lockdown, in order to even out the fairness of the playing grounds.
Solution if people still wish to use trinkets:
Make lockdown divided by whether you have a trinket or not. If you have a trinket equipped, you would play with all trinket-users. If you don't have a trinket equipped, then you would play against all non-trinket users.
If anybody else has opinions on the matter of trinkets in lockdown, I would be glad to hear what you have to say. :) (Note- referring to all trinkets, not just heart pendants).
Trinkets in Lockdown- What do you think?

I agree with this sentiment.
However, I also have wanted True Love pendants forever, so I'm building them anyway. OOO may not care about the trinket issue, so I'll plan ahead.

Now that Heart Trinkets are available to anyone, I have no issues with trinkets in LD.
My biggest complain now shifts to Skolver giving Med dmg for swords and the gunner equivalent giving only Low.

Guns are completely useless thanks to the pendants - now some random guy with a snarble barb and no skill can tank up a thousand gunshots without losing half his health.

I don't have a problem with trinkets in Lockdown in general but I do think that health trinkets have a negative effect on Lockdown. Disclaimer: I play almost exclusively t2 so I can't comment on how it is over in t1 or t3. My issue with health trinkets is not whether or not they are unfair, i accept the fact that gear plays a major role in lockdown and if you want the good stuff you have to work for it or pay for it.
My issues with the health trinkets is the effect they have on gameplay and strategy. I currently use either 2 3* shock trinkets or 2 3* freeze trinkets depending on what's currently frustrating me more and i have a dusker coat with a med shock uv to compliment this. Health trinkets have, however, pretty much made all of the status trinkets obsolete (I have no idea how it is in t3 with weapon trinkets), as soon as I can afford to I'm going to get a pair of health trinkets myself.
On the gameplay side health trinkets slow down the fights too much, someone with full dusker and two health trinkets can take forever to kill. It used to be that the occasional health trinket user would be a unique, extra challenge but now it's just becoming part of the standard expected lockdown loadout. I shudder to think how much of a cluster@#%$ some of those large melees will be when everyone can take that much damage. I play a lot of guardian and look forward to 1 v 1 fights with other guardians of my skill level, they were longer than striker fights but just the right length and super tense the whole time. If we both had double health trinkets that fight would go for at least 30 seconds. This increases the probability that one person's teammate will show up or that someone will have a lag spike. Obviously this game is more about team play but if it's just you and another guy fighting over a capture point it should be feasible for one of you to kill the other before everybody else gets there too.
Regardless of how fair or not they are a Lockdown where everybody had health trinkets would be boring because it would take forever to kill anyone so they should be banned in LD.

I like fighting people that use them, I like using them, I like how I'm considered a noob now that I use them. They're a nice reward for those who o Lockdown often. I know it hurts those who just play Lockdown occasionally and for fun but All I had to buy with my Krogmo coins were Recon modules and more masks that I didn't need. (...Yet.) It makes me feel better about being addicted to dying in Lockdown.
Now, I think I shall wave around my shiny Duel heart pendants whilst laughing manically.

I Remember getting so many hits and such on Chris but only killed him about 1/3 of the time, he usually limped away with 2 hearts left from his 2 pendants (This was post-heart pendant update). It might have been fair if we both had the same stats, but he had 6ish more hearts than me, but the same speed thanks to UVs. UVs I can deal with, hearts I can't. He usually killed me in 3 hits with FF, I killed him in 5 with BTB Or 3 GF swings. Now I'm a poor player, and can't afford 2 6+ heart trinkets... So I've givin' up hope on PvP since all the players that used to be skilled and fun to play with have them, and I don't, so PvP can be hellish now.

Either make them not allowed in pvp, or severely nerf them.
really, you can tell which team will win by the number of dual heart pendant-skolvers on it.
Aknowledge that now one's wealth makes one's chance to win now. How is this a competition?

I agree, health trinkets should be taken out of Lockdown.
I feel sorry for the legit good players that get smacked down by some rich kid with no skill whatsoever. PvP shold be based on skill, and gear should minimally mtter- it shouldn't be based on wealth.

people who paid big for uvs and trinkets should have an advantage. i thought that even when i wasnt one of those people.
Nice Idea. I agree it can be a bit unfair at times when someone has Max ASI and a Penta Heart plus 3 UVs that are OP. But then again skill traces back further. You have to have skill to determine when to attack and when to run. For Free to play people (dont focus on that topic though >.>) their skill and time management in order to obtain enough CE /CR intake (which apparently 30% of people beg since they are incapable of doing so or are impatient and cheap.)
Either way I think its fair, but perhaps nerf the bonuses so that you can only achieve a High bonus of anything total (for those overclocking their ASI >.>) That may even the playing field and still not completely devestate a majority of ppl.
But thats all my little wolf brain can process atm. Time to go draw before sleep. :P
My gear in LD is:
Skolver Cap
Snarby coat (Total of Very High Damage to swords)
4* Sword ASI trinket (low boost
Tri-heart Trinket
Polaris (hardly use)
Divine Avenger
And I'm 99% striker nowadays.
So yeah, and I still die to delays in attacks against ASI trolls
On a side note I one-shotted quite a few 4* players one of which the proceded to say "WTF" and ask how i did it. I replied that he had 0 Elemental Defense and that I was using a DA with a big Damage boost. Had to say that about 3 times >.>