? :3
Does [Zone] and [Trade] chat reach across all maps of all Havens?
Sat, 12/17/2011 - 23:33
Sat, 12/17/2011 - 23:53
no guessing
/zone or /1 reaches people in the Bazaar, Town Square and Arcade of the Haven you're in.
/trade or /2 reaches all Havens.
Sun, 12/18/2011 - 17:44
Zone reaches the entire
Zone reaches the entire haven, trade reaches anyone who's in the trade channel.
Mon, 12/19/2011 - 00:08
I'm pretty sure that /zone goes beyond Haven X's reach, like I remember zone chat messages that go like "...I'm in front of Haven 1 AH" [while I'm in Haven 5 or so, but surely different than the one in the message]
I think they reach out to the entire Haven channel that you are in, but they won't reach other channels.
So if you broadcast from the Bazaar, you will reach out to the Arcade and Town's Square within your channel.
Shouting is only visible to people in the same hub as you, so if you shout from the Bazaar, only the people in the Bazaar can hear you.