What do you think is the most common 4-5* equip people usually go for?
Most Common 4-5* equips
Don't forget Grey Owlite Shield, Omega Shield, Winmillion, or the Divine Hood.
Haha, then I should also add Salamander set, Anything that's Volcanic too.
Not Shivermist, not Aegis, not Winmillion, not Divine Hood. Those aren't very common at all.
Winmillion is also constantly discouraged by Tier 3 players.
Can't even remember the last time I saw anyone using the Spur series. Don't see the 5* status bombs much either.
Wolver Coat and anything that builds out of it is extremely popular, as is the entire Sealed Sword series.
People tend to drop Winmillion by tier 3 but I see a lot of them in tier 2 irregardless. They "go for it", but decide to drop it once better is made. It's like "Oh my god, what a shiny cool sword" and then you realize it's balls.
Not a lot of people HAVE the 5* status bombs to make, but people who do tend to instantly push the idea of using it onto their friends / guildies etc because "oh man shivermist is so awesome you should totally use it" sorta viral spread.
> Wolver Coat and anything that builds out of it is extremely popular
That's cause it looks so sweet. :D
Divine Avenger, Gran Faust, Shivermist, Aegis, Vog Cub Set, Leviathan, Cold Iron Vanquisher to name a few.