Is it possible to purchase a game card from a physical store in order to get CE? I am looking to buy my brother either CE or a battle pack for Christmas.
Could I use an "Ultimate Game Card" or even a Puzzle Pirates card?
Spiral Knights Game Cards
Sun, 12/18/2011 - 11:38
Sun, 12/18/2011 - 12:24
I've done it a lot, but you're limited to the 10 and 20$ CE packs.
Also, you can't do it with a steam account, but I don't think Three Rings discourages alt accounts.
Sun, 12/18/2011 - 13:07
You can pick up a
You can pick up a visa/mc/amex gift card and use it to pay for CE via "credit card".
I believe the UGC will not work if your (or their) account is bound to Steam.
Yeah you can use an Ultimate Gamecard...
Go to that energy purchase page and click "Pay by Cash"
The only problem is that you can only buy like 3000 energy OR a starter pack :P