I have many crushes. Especially from the time of the "Age of the Legends". (Spirial Knights april - june before everything become tamed/easy)
Here's my list:
Rangerwill, VELCRO, TURBOCOKE, GWENYVIER, Safariguy, Trevil, Fumaca, Stoldify(forgot exact ign), SEXICUS(R.I.P./left SK back a while) LUUUFTEEE, Vainsacrifice, Jr-Rade, Epson-Stylus, OBJEECCTT, Pwnies, Dirt, Dogrock, Espeonage, & the one and only, the greatest of the great back in those days where we all praised him like the true titan he was, MAGNUUUUSSSSSSS THE GREAT!
EDIT: Mr.Haze a.k.a. MYSTERYZX, SICK & CHR..well actually i'm not sure if i like chris yet. Unlike Chris, Magnus doesn't gloat or boost up his ego.
I do not see Chris or Sick on your list., but I do see everyone else...