That dungeon usable thingy when you summon a Mecha Knight that helps kill enemies. What's your opinion on it?
What is your opinion on the ally Mecha Knight?
They're terrible, they're as bad as a Calibur user who only uses the charge and doesn't aim them. The shock can also mess you up if you're right next to it, along with other monsters.
All they're useful for is distracting enemies and hurting teammates, and you'll have to kill the enemies yourself eventually, anyway.
I once watched a freshly minted Mecha Knight duke it out with a medium-small lichen in a T3 Lichenous Lair. The Lichen won.
Actually, ive never been shocked by them ever. Ive never seen in happen either. Personally, theyre not that helpful anyway, unless its in areas where theres a heck of a lot of enemies, like the end of smouldering steps or in the final room of the arena. They tend to stay away from me there.
Although sometimes i find that in arenas, i accidentally try to hit them thinking theyre enemies.
Hate them with a passion. They shock you, they don't kill anything, and when sh-- hits the fan, they die in seconds.
Oh, and I too mistake them for enemies and go charging against them (lol)
If you shoot an enemy with the mecha knight blocking the bullets' path, it shields and stops the bullets from hitting the target >.<
Hey bud, run out there and cover me while I run over here and kill the big bastards. Nice knowing ya!
Yup, good friends.
Hate. So much raging haaate. They always mess up the position of monster when I'm trying to unleash a charge, knock attacking mobs right into them with their spin attack, or shocks me. Some idiot summoned one at Vana once, you can imagine how that turned out. For about two minutes the damned thing kept breaking the ice and getting Vana to smash the ground in annoyance. Also, no matter who summons one, they end up sticking by me for some reason. I always just run away and wait for them to be killed before going back.
No really, it is more use then those mecha knights. They hurt you more than they help.
They're excellent meat shields, but with the shocking concern it's too much of a pain to make sure you don't stand near them to be worth it.
They wouldn't be punishment from hell if their behavior wasn't to follow you and stand as close as possible before dropping a shock fart.
I hate them enough to consider kicking someone for summoning them.
I would like the mecha knight ally much more if he could take damage from my sword.
I don't think they're much use outside of Tier One..
But I've always wanted to do this:
4-person party... everyone has 3 Mecha Knight Kits... go troll something
V Post below me: I forgot about that! Yes! V
I just want a screenshot of the 12-mecha knight army.
Or maybe the 17-mecha knight army in a decon zone.
they're dumb , they shock me, they shock themselves, and they take YEARS to kill something.
I would like to nth the unbridled HATRED I have for them. They are worse than worthless. The shock thing isn't a huge problem since I'm paranoid around shielding around "friendly" shocks anyway, but two of them REALLY annoyed me in RJP recently when they were blocking a passage... and the shots from my gun.
There only good for t1 runs other than that i hate them cause they block my shots.
It's funny to pop 3 of them and watch them kill each other with shocks.
I don't like them at all, but I do find them useful in the last section of the arena during the last wave. They keep some of the hoard busy enough that you can take out the healers while they are distracted.
they dont scale well. The higher the teir the less likely they are to do anything past distracting for a second and throwing mid attack monsters everywere.
This, combined with the rarity makes them more of a novelty than a usefull or tactical tool. In the time you spent holding on to em waiting for the right moment (because if you dont use em in the right moment they are at best wasted, and at worse a detrement, wereas other vials will have replacements if you waste them) you could have thrown several vials for a beter impact.
shoulda took a screeenshot yesterday when i had 6 of them in T1 gate. They killed a few things without my help. I felt like a necromancer in diablo2.
My reasons for liking Mecha knights
-Great for a distraction.
-They look like they're on something...shaking and spluttering like that.
-They used to have a better sword than me. Unless they have an Ascended Calibur, they don't.
Reasons for not liking them:
-Useless unless you have an army of them.
-Having them too close puts me into shock, and not because I'm claustrophobic.
-Weak attacks.
-They can charge faster than me.
-They're natural Calibur charge spammers.
2 of them took over 3 minutes to kill a skelly pinned on a corner in the last room of fsc and and they are more of a protection shield around the skelly because we couldn't hit him. But I loved when they were three of them attacking vana in wave 1 :D Vana couldn't fight back.
I watched one of mine try to take on a Lumber in RJP.
It takes me like a combo and a half to kill one.
Its attack went like:
Strike, strike
The lumber eventually flattened it.
I shook my head in disappointment. /Epicfail
hate them... if somebody activates them i want to slap them silly... (and then those stupid things start following me around!!!)
ugh and shielding when i want to shoot god!!!
I thought they would normally follow their activator, usually my teamates mechas stalk me :/
Follow party leader maybe?
As devs can see, these knights suck and I wish they would be removed from the game =="
I just unleashed 3 of them in an arena type fight and we all got slaughtered because the mecha nights pushed the badguys into us while they were attacking.
I think the reason people like them is just the rarity of them. Nobody actually likes having them around, but it's amusing. If they were more common, they'd mostly be used by noobs and trolls.
I use them all the time on the JK. Get one to three of them and POW! Minis start dying left and right from calibur twirls. If there are no minis, they start killing the Polyps. The entire team already simply does hit and run type charges at the JK, while the Mecha-knights tend to walk to the JK, get knocked back, forget what they were doing, and go back to killing minis and Polyps :D
Once I summoned one on a fire themed level. It was set on fire, and there were oilers about.
I learned my lesson.
As for behavior, I think they follow the person who is taking up the rear.
If you are a gunslinger, they tend to walk between you and your targets, and then bring up their projectile shield. This causes three thing to happen:
1. All your shots just got blocked.
2. Mecha-knight spends 3 seconds doing nothing.
3. your ally who was about to walk through him just got shove sideways into that mob you were shooting at.
I don't see why the kit uses the shield against you. Do they block for gun-puppies and the like? I've never noticed, but it's hard to tell that when they are constantly blocking anyways.
I like my personal Pokemon. I normally try to gather as much as I can (3 max), and summon them against the monsters. Everytime I do summon them I always have the urge to yell "I choose you MECHA KNIGHT!" and command them to use their "SLASH" attack or their "SHOCK" attack. It's always nice to see... And if my pokemon faint during the long battle, I avenge them.*grips fist*
Love the sorry bastards. They attract a lot of attention from the enemies, run headlong in and don't steal your drops or use up hearts, nor need to be revived. They're your personal pocket suicide decoy buddy; send him to his grisly, but honourable death and flank the baddies as they gank him.
I hate it. It shocks me then runs away :(