I haven't heard about anything of the like ._.
Didn't Nick say about an announcement or something on Elevator Pass on Monday?

come out later today. You didn't stay up all night waiting for it did you? XD They probably want to sleep in, its monday after all.

Seeing as the elevator pass is still for sale, maybe the announcement that Nick hinted at was that it going away (at least for now).

The elevator pass is still for sale for those that haven't already bought one. For those that have already bought one and watched it expire.. the inability to actually play the game and having to go back to farming RJP and FSC because of the energy system is torture.

Maybe he just said to wait till monay to tell us that sorry, no elevator pass.

It's currently 9:23am where they are, btw.

For coopting with Steam Valve sent OOO a nice clock for their office. Now, OOO operates on Valve Time.
Be afraid, very afraid.

I logged in, didn't see the elevator pass reoffered, and got depressed. The last month has been really nice.

It's not even 10 in their time zone yet guys, calm down.
If anything's gonna happen it'll probably at the soonest noon, probably a few hours after that.
Seriously, remember that this is a business with hours and their own schedule, they will certainly never release anything exactly at midnight in the first timezone to reach it.
I'm excited for a possible new elevator pass too but we can at least wait until a reasonable time before pumping out the "They work on Valve time" or "It's not happening today" comments.

"--------->The Joke
(_)<-----Your Head"
The joke would've been funny if it was timed correctly.
It wasn't. It looked more like impatience then anything.
Edit: And suddenly Nick with new stuff. I'm more than okay with this

I think Nick will never quit surprising us.
And i want the Stranger Hat with the Snipe.

"The Explorer's Pack
1,000 Crystal Energy
2 Week Elevator Pass
7 day Heat Amplifier
1 Silver Key
1 Stranger Hat Costume helm
Normally this pack will cost $14.95, but just for the Holidays, it's yours at a staggering 80% off, only $2.95!
Best of all, you can buy as many as you like!"
IMMA BUY AS MANY AS I CAN!!!!!!!!!!!111111

Holy wat, that's an amazing bundle. It's like a more versatile elevator pass with a ton of bonuses, for exactly the same effective net price (2 weeks vs 1 month).

I bought a few and got the Snipe Helm. The snipe on the Helm takes on whatever your personal color is :D so I have a neon PINK one!

I see you!! XD and it looks darn CUTE TOO!!! >:3

Allthough I got 10(!!!) packs so I'm good until May, I would like to believe that the elevator pass will be available by itself except of this bundle after the promo ends. right? Or else 15 dollars for 2 weeks elevator (ce and heat amplifier aside) is too much.
He commented in a post asking if the elevator pass will be available again, saying that we should keep our eyes open on Monday--so not really a guaranteed announcement. I can't log into the game right now (library internet ftw), so maybe an in-game mail or the pass has been stealthily added to the drop-down buy list?
It's my personal belief that Nick loves to torture us.