Mercurial Demo or Arcane Salamander?
I'm sort of a guy, Rule 30 of the internet and all.
I'm at the point I should probably start going through
shadow lairs, and I don't want to just wear Snarbolax.
Which do you think looks nicer?
Mon, 12/19/2011 - 22:41
Tue, 12/20/2011 - 08:26
I like the salamander better.
I like the salamander better. It's:
- More feminine (it's sort of gender neutral, Mercurial is masculine)
- Darker and cooler looking
- More different from other knight armor
I'd only go for the Mercurial if you like the idea of being a robotic lion.
Tue, 12/20/2011 - 12:21
I wasn't really going for the robotic lion thing, but I'm going to now.
Might just get both actually, Mercurial first.
EDIT: Also, you wouldn't happen to know what Jinouga is?
Im recon Arcane salamander