First of all, this is not a rant. I like the idea of the Explorer's Pack as a whole package. Seriously you get more than you bargained for.
However I felt that the stranger hats seem like a rushed product, and apparently only the sniped stranger hat is worth collecting. Correct me if I am wrong - if you do prefer other hats instead of the sniped stranger hat. I am interested to know what is the demand like for rest of the hats.
I guess the Stranger Hats* are not valued as much as Rose Costumes because of the pricing, and most importantly design. *(excluding the sniped hat)
Will the the Explorer's Pack outdo Rose Regalia/Rose Regalia Redux sales? Probably, because of the attractive stuffs the pack is offering for its price. What do you think?
Personally, I like the stranger costume hats. It's the first costume that I prefer wearing over traditional armor.
The pricing on the stranger hats are good. It's only $3 usd, plus it comes with the elevator pass and some other cool stuff.