ok is it just me or is final flourish faster then barbarous. freezingflame has the same armor as me, we both had no trinkets, but she had final flourish and it seems faster attacking in PVP too. can anybody make sense of this
Final Flourish vs. Barbarous Thorn Blade
There are three thing that can affect your battle with freezingflame, from your perspective:
- flame had higher ASI than you. You didn't mention UV's.
- flame has a more reliable connection to the servers.
- flame is simply better. If you shield cancel really well you'll appear and be faster.
This should be in the arsenal.
Secondly, both are the same sword with a different charge and graphic.
There are various ways to measure speed, but one of them is combos per minute (CPM). One of my knights has BTB and the other FF. With no ASI, they measured 31 CPM on FF and 32 CPM on BTB.
for pvp, against recons, go for BTB, against guardians, go FF
that's my two cents
personally im considering changing to flourish line (At 3* snarb atm) because I think the charge is more effective.
I think their both the same except for their charge but i would personally use barbarous thorn blade since its charge is more spread out and its more annoying then FF
There's a reason why everyone is using flourishes instead of BTB in LD. And it's because its first swing has a way larger and weirder hitbox then BTB's.
Apart from that they're exactly the same.
@combos per minute, did you do this physically? If that is the case, your findings are seriously flawed.
@Omaroo The reason there's more flourishes than BTBs in lockdown is that you can rage-craft flourishes for UVs.
Melisan, are you asking me whether I measured the combos per minute? Yes, I did, in the Advanced Training Hall. I ran multiple tests in an attempt to get reproducible results. Still, I don't claim that the results are anything more than approximate.
What do you mean by "physically"? And why are the findings flawed? They are simply data. No interpretation is being made.
Hmm I guess there's that. I didn't think about that. Though, I know some people who do use it for its better first swing. I dunno if it's the graphic animation that is different or if the hitbox is just messed up.
There is no difference between Final Flourish and Barbarous Thorn Blade.
Except their charge attack. FF is more focused on a single victim. BTB is more crowd comtrol
"Physically" in this case would refer to manually clicking repeatedly for a minute with both weapons, as opposed to some automated process (autoclicker/macro/what-have-you). Given that it would be nearly impossible for a person to perfectly line up every click in a time frame, there is a chance that the slight variation would cause one or the other to appear faster because of repeatedly missed attack time.
On the other hand, the more times you did this, and came up with the same results, the less "serious" this flaw actually is. It's good enough to say "They are pretty much the same speed," in my opinion.
You could probably just spam the attack button into a wall, and get pretty good results. As long as your pressing attack fast enough, there shouldn't be to much of a delay.
Lostillusion, you are right that it's nearly impossible to exactly line up the hits in repeated combos. But if I can't do it under ideal conditions in the ATH, then I certainly can't do it in battle. That is, the test fulfills its intended purpose, which is to get an idea of the maximum combo rate that a player could achieve with a sword --- not that a perfectly tuned robot could achieve with the sword.
And yes the repeated results lend credence, and yes the two swords come out essentially the same. I would have to run even more tests, to be able to declare that 31 vs. 32 is statistically significant.
"It's good enough to say 'They are pretty much the same speed,' in my opinion."
Was just explaining what he meant, and where he was coming from
I know that this thread is dead, but just in case anyone ever looks it up, I thought I'd make a correction. In post #3 above I gave combos-per-minute data on FF and BTB. But I must have misremembered the data.
My friends and I have now run updated tests. With no ASI, both FF and BTB achieve 33 combos per minute (or sometimes 34 --- the testing procedure is not perfect). So the conventional wisdom, that these two swords are identical in regular attacks, is further substantiated. Good bye.
FF is better. Consider more aspects than damage.
Better chance for UVs for FF. (ragecraft).
Better general charge attack.
- charge does insanely good damage in PvP (higher single target dps), and it can be used to decimate the alphas and Trojans.
BtB advantages:
Charge knocks back very well (doesn't make mecha knights shield)
- I charged BtB in LD once on a different account (when LD was fun): First charge, I had a charge face off with a DA weilding Vog, and I got him. Second charge attack I hit in lockdown caused a Vog (I think it was the same guy) to die on the shock pad. Good times...
First off, this goes in the Arsenal section of the forums.
Second, they're the exact same sword except for their charge attacks.