So, today, I decided to finally play Lockdown, cause Blast Network was kinda getting boring & I didn't have enough Energy to do my Daily RJ Run of the day(Crafted my 4th 4* Bomb) but I decided to try T1 to see what I had to do & get used to it.
First 5 Matches were pretty decent, full game...till now.
I saw some people whom I recognized(Either from Clockwork Runs or Being Idle outside the AH) being...Manipulative.
I heard(or in this case, SAW the Text) one tell a Steam Achievement Newb to fill up the Bribe to get the Snowball.
Of course, he didn't know any better & filled up the Bribe 3 times.
"did i gt the snwball acheevmnt??"
"no keep bribing youll get it eventuly"
"but i dnt hve ne enrgy left"
"oh then yoo got it"
The person I recognized was a T3 Knight, who also Scammed people outside the Auction House.
I've exited & tried other Games.
Same deal: People Manipulating Newbs to believing Bribing will get them the Snowball Achievement.
Gms, Devs, I don't care, somebody, release an Announcement to everyone to explain how to get the Achievement properly. This is painful to watch.
I'd seriously consider filing a complaint on those people.