Just thought i would help the people today on how to get this achievement! Please remember to like the video so others can see!!!
Son Of A Nutcracker Achievement Guide!!! (Video)
Or we could watch a video done by someone who actually appreciates the game.
(It's just my frostbite T2 lockdown video, for those who have already seen it)
Don't get me wrong i don't hate the game i like it its just i meant to say i hate the game compared to others... i was playing LoL at the time and a game just started so i had to hurry and just started saying random things ... sorry if I got you all confused!!!
^ Right......
I somehow got this achievement when I first played frostbite. I still have no idea how I got it.
Confused? I believe 'offended' is the word you're looking for. Those of us on this forums play this game and like it, so your comments are not appreciated.
Go ahead & play your LoL, then. While you're at it, Delete your Knight & never get back on Spiral Knights, again. Seriously, is this how ALL Steam Players are? Just play a game to get its Achievement to get a 1/mil Chance of winning a Contest, while ruining other Player's fun?
Cuz my accounts Steam, and I ALWAYS play SK :D
But I guess that doesn't really count, seeing as I don't really USE steam, it's just my account started off on it, so thats how it's stuck like.
But yeah, I don't really like that :/
I had a friend who wanted to play SK just for the TF2 hat, but then he got hooked. :D
My concern is on the comment. Read.
What so good about that achievement?i wont even other doing LD just for it.:Pcoz this day LD is laggy.
I'm criticizing the Steam users who come here for achievements and hats only, then call the game stupid.
While the OP sure could've been more diplomatic about his video comments, at least they're honest. Many Steam players are only here for the promo. That's understandable.
That said, I've been playing a ton of T1 LD thanks to all the new players, and I'm thankful for that. T1 LD rarely ever starts, and it's a nice chance to have some fun with the gear I've collected and brush up on my swordwork.
On a more positive note, while many players do just throw snow and leave, I've noticed quite a few players stick around for several matches and play with great skill and passion. Some of them even ask questions about equipment, how to play the game better, etc.
If you do encounter friendly folks, don't forget to offer some helpful tips. It is the holidays, after all.
The dude didn't post it. A fan(the OP) thought it would be good to post a guide for people having trouble with the Acheivement(Really?) without even thinking of what the dude said.
Dispatched doesn't like the game. He is missing out on somthing.
You know what really gets me? When he's in the rescue camp he has 7 crowns. When he's in lockdown, he has... 7 crowns.
Meaning that most likely he went around haven begging for the 200 crown entry fee, rather than spending the 5 minutes or so it would take to earn it doing some T1 clockworks levels.
I feel bad for whoever gave him the 200cr, even if it's not a huge amount. The gift obviously wasn't appreciated.
@Engie Now that video is more like it.
Engie: that's more like it! Is it really that hard to not insult a bunch of people?
I did not read all these comments, nor did I watch OP's video thanks to #2's comment.
All I have to say is, GET OUT OP!!!!
I am a Steam player, but also a dedicated Spiral Knights player since June. Unfortunately, I am quitting SK, so I did not have much interest in getting crowns or anything from Lockdown. I play BN which is amazing because Bomberman was a childhood classic of mine.
Either way, I had 3 alts to play SK on, and even when I got the achievements on those accounts for the coal, I finished the Lockdown match. In one of the games, I was the last person on my team and I still managed to win. Yet after I finished a match, I would continue to play more and waste the Mist energy I had on bribes so I can get myself enough Krogmo coins to get enamorock and sell that on my primary SK account.
I did this 3 times on 3 different accounts. But at least I, unlike Steam players like OP who come for a split moment, finish the game. It was annoying having half the people in the lockdown match just quit because they got their achievement. I honestly wanted to complain to Steam and OOO for allowing people to leave that day. They should have it so no person who has been playing the game under 2 days could leave the match.
I clicked the link...
And disliked it :P
getting the achievement is pretty straightforward.
Most of the regular players probably already got the achievement.
I didnt even bother to look at the video.