I never knew that!What's the point of automanous machines having mouths?
In other words, we can't be robots. Cyborgs maybe, but not robots.
We have mouths?
But then.. where is it stated that the spiral knights are robots? or humans?
I think they just are some humanoid lifeform dressed in awsome armor :D
At the moment, we can't quite say we know WHAT the knights are, but they do seem to have the need to eat, or CAN eat at the very least.
The description of the Heater Shield mentions that it functions as a makeshift stove top, and the Rock Jelly Shield states that it can be used as an emergency source of calories for stranded Knights. Some materials, like the Rocky Core, is also said to be eaten by Knights, many of which lose teeth due to it's hardness.
We eat the Jelly Tokens. They are delicious gummy treats
Sigh. It's like having a mouth as wallpaper on my computer. Looks like a mouth but it's just an image, not real.
I thought the knights were aliens? I mean, spaceships.. come on?
Where the glub did you get the robot idea from |: ??
From how I see it, our eyes in the first place look like Glo-In-The-Dark stickers. Idea: Our entire face is some kind of screen, or at the same time it is not. If that were true, then we do have mouths. Then again, you wouldn't care about mouths or even the physics of this game because of the following reasons: The Trojan that's a bout to slap you in the face, the fact that Snipes are biological beings yet fly like helicopters, and Jellies are immune to our forks and other Piercing items. We have mouths in several fan arts, and we have peg legs for feet. Not being mad here, but I can point out SEVERAL of these little things, but this one I think is kind of fun. I like seeing them have some kind of simple mouths...
(Now how do we breathe...)
I just don't get where people get the "robot" idea from in the first place. I only see things indicating the knights are living, biological beings.
The knights have teeth (some had teeth)
Wich points at they are organic, and have a mount!
How do I know this?
Well: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v162/MeSako/Rockycore.jpg
The linked doodle is by no means official artwork. Simply a doodle I did in my free time.
But by all means, don't let me discourage speculation! Just know that the image really shouldn't be considered canon.
@Cherub Well, there's one way to settle it ones and for all: make a "braces" helmet front accessory. The type with the wrap-around headgear would probably be most visually distinctive, like so: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_i7IqN0dMk7g/SJ5gSxNRq6I/AAAAAAAACN8/t62aCR1d6e...
Hi Ian!
Back to the topic at hand...A lot of the players assume that the knights are robots (ones without feet, for that matter), but there are enough bits of description in the game to indicate that we are living beings, just wearing armor, as the above posts have mentioned. Also note this bit from the IMF recon module:
Grantz took the full blast of a rocket twice, reacting only with a stagger as if he had discovered a stone in his boot. Sometimes I think that beneath his iron suit is a body of equally heavy iron. It wouldn't surprise me.
So, we're wearing suits, with bodies underneath.
Its description says it's used as a stove for knights on the field. Why would a robot need a stove?
@Cherub thank you for this info. But what do you use to draw and colour your pictures?
They must have taste due to the rocky core and jelly gem descriptions.
Ya know, EVE from WALL-E has an LED panel for a face. It makes perfect sense that we could too. Doesn't explain the noses on the Cobalt helms...
Well, summing up my stance on us, I think we're ghosts in the machine, so to speak. spirits encased in fabricated bodies, created by the Skylark. We eat energy, but can "taste" things. I consider the 3ps comic way back canon, where assumedly Cherub is eating a Jelly. We were disembodied when what used to be Cradle exploded. In the intervening year, Skylark gained sentience, a'la Vger from Star Trek, and started to rebuild the SKs to return home. Meanwhile, the interstellar grems found the broken remnants of the planet and encased the core to milk it's power. Vanaduke is undead, powered by the elemental force of the core.
Why yes, I have a beard on my neck; why do you ask?
Many robots have "mouths" to make them appear more human, or to give the impression of emotion. It puts people at ease. When you hear a voice, you expect the mouth to move, if it did not, it would look wrong and on an instinct level humans are automatically programmed to be aggressive towards things that don't work as expected; for self-preservation.