Currently, I have been playing T1 Lockdown & I've got to say, it's pretty fun. I just want to know if I got the Best Gear with the right Class. What do you think?
Recon Class
Spiral Scale Helm(Only Helm I could find w/o Negative Stats; Going to A UV in the Future, probably Shock & Normal: High-Max!)
Circuit Breaker Suit(Mysterious Breaker Suit missing Negative Stats; Going to add UVs in the Future, probably Fire & Normal: High-Max!)
Bolted Blade(Standard, 3-Swing Sword w/o Status giving Effects; Going to give ASI: Med-Very High UV)
Zapper(Charge Attack is GREAT against any Class, disrupting their Abilities/Attack, while dealing Damage; Going to give this a CTR: Med-Very High UV)
I know this won't be important, but I'll also be Adding Accessories to my T1 Lockdown Gear, because I want to really stand out from the Crowd. What would you think of these Combos?
Spiral Scale Helm
F-Cool Helm-Mounted Display
S-Cool Com Unit
T-Cool Spike Mohawk
Circuit Breaker Suit
F-Cool Canteen
I've tried using the other Classes, but I only seem to do great in Recon, so changing Classes is out of the Question.
Using a heavy hatchet can also be great for the swarms of t1 players trying to hack your arms off one half pip at a time. But other than that, it's a great loadout.