I love the game, but I get tired of waiting for my energy to refill, what are some things I can do?
What are some things to do while waiting for energy to refill? :l
Lets see... There are a lot of things I do...
- Go to school
- Sleep
- Do Homework
- Watch TV
- Buy CE and use that instead of mist
- Buy an elevator pass
- Warhammer 40k (Tabletop game, not the video games)
- Dungeons and Dragons
- Youtube
- Read this forum or other forums
- Play Team Fortress 2
That's all I can think of right now
What does the elevator pass do? I was wondering about it aha
Normally elevators are 10 energy to ride (i.e. go down a floor)
With the Elevator Pass, elevators are 0 energy to ride.
Do I need to pay to get into the dungeon? o_O
Also, is it like not using energy as much?
You don't need to pay to enter the dungeon.
And I have no idea the story reason behind the pass. The economic reason is that it costs money. As of now, it's $3 for 2 weeks (With some bonuses thrown in - Good bonuses too).
I'll probably get it after I get some money for Christmas. :P
Play some lockdown, not only can it be really fun but you can make a pretty decent profit there by selling mod calibrators (75 krogmos sell for 8-13k cr depending on the day) and enamorocks (10 krogmos sell for 1.1-1.6k cr depending on the day). Also sometimes you'll wind up getting a bombhead mask or mini mist tank from the special prize. If you're decent, not terribly unlucky when it comes to teams and have about 3-4k cr you can usually play for hours without ever having to worry about running out of crowns for the entry fee.
Or you could get to know some of the folks around the community if you intend to stay logged in while waiting. The reason to play online games like this is for the social option isn't it?
I think he was asking more of "What do to in-game" while you wait for mist to regain which I think is a valid point. I just started the game last night and am wondering what my options are for that too.
Thanks for the replies.
you get 100 mist energy in roughly 22 hours. So, if you used it all it would take a little over 2 hours just to go down one elevator in the clockworks. It isn't worth waiting in game for mist energy to refill.
Waiting in-game for Mist Energy to regenerate is a bit weird idea. As Nordlead pointed it out.
Unless you have an elevator pass, when you are out of energy, its best to just log out. Otherwise you find yourself standing awkwardly by the Auction House, maybe biding on the stuff that is one crown, and talking with friends about stuff none of you really care about. It ends up wasting time you could spend living.
Read a book. (I know you all came here to play video games! Please don't hurt me!) *Runs away and hides.*
Read [scrap] no one cold give this guy/girl an answer so,the smart thing to do is trading(find newbies sell em stuff for 3000cr that cost 1000cr)
-Go troll
-troll more
-and more
ride people like horses yehhhaaa(what i wont to say find a friend traped one who wont's to do a mission,then tell him if he wont's you're help that he needs to tab ya)
-troll more
speak to people find dude Nhabotua sell him mats (he wold like to buy some shards,not the yellow ones)
-troll moar
-WTF end of the day go sleep muther[ruster]
Have a really good friend and do some Lockdown together :D ... But I never win... Munuver is too good.
Play another game
Wait(not recommended)
Try to get something
Get CE
Elevator pass
Play TF2
Watch youtube
seerus run
die in ATH
read a goddamn book
browze for games on Steam
play MvM
yeah, thats it
Stare at the mist bar until it's full. It makes it go faster.
I usually just play Lockdown, but do not stay in haven waiting for it to recharge. Maybe take a break until it recharges.
kill everything.
i mean, do what you normally do when youre not playing games
just a curious question folks, but how did you change your picture? mine is stuck like this
How did you guys change your profile pic?
<------------------------------ is horrid
sorry for posting... three times now. something's wrong with my computer
look in the new secruits section, if you rly need to.
lockdown, buy/sell stuff, blast network, get a secondary character, beg for money/energy (not recommended), random stuf on training hall