Zerule's Toast Box! Please contact Zerule for them
Toasty Side Blade: B/O 2.6 k CE, entertaining bids from 1.5 k CE
Cool Side Blade: B/O 2.6 k CE, entertaining bids from 1.5 k CE
Regal Side Blade: B/O 2.6 k CE, entertaining bids from 1.5 k CE
Red Rose Tabarb - Offer
Fancy Wolver Tail: B/O at 13 k CE, entertaining bids starting from 10 k CE. - B/O by Bodyguard-CN
Gold Rose Set: Sold to Voltharion 6.3 CE
Toasty Wolver Tail: B/O at 13 k CE, entertaining bids starting from 10 k CE - SOLD to Pinkie(I can't remember the rest of the name)
Twilight Aura: Sold at 2 mil crs
Also willing to trade the tail for a dapper combo.
And for those who were wondering what happened to the regal wolver I had for sale, someone traded a tail for it.