Well, today I saw a bunch of people opening Lockboxes, and some finding good items in them.
I want to know what you have gotten, or have given to others for Winterfest. Did you make their wishes come true?
I know I had mine fulfilled, I finally got my Wolver Tail!
I have also been giving some CR out to random people that need it (newbs and such and people that were nice in Haven etc.)
Me and my guildies also exchanged materials with each other and were quite generous (thought that means many people i met turned down my gifts. (Arccommander >.>)
Now today our guild is doing a Secret Santa (Google it you lazy people) and I'm doing something extra special. Free Coats for all of the guild! (active members only aka play once a week.)
Here's the Story of Merry-Winterfest, Impostoclaus' loyal knight.
Long story short, I secretly crafted tons of Wolver Coats as a present to my Guild. I managed to get up 12, then created a knight called Merry-Winterfest and sent it to them. They appreciated the gift :D
Nevertheless, one item is off my Winterfest Wishlist
Wolver Tail [ X ]
Scarf [.. ..]
Explorer Pack [.. ..]
Merry Winterfest!
@ All people who think "Impostoclaus gives you stuff? Why didn't I get anything???"
I meant what has luck benefited you or other nice knights given you, or vice versa. Its a metaphor.
I gave you the benefit of a doubt, but is it really that hard to understand >.>
I've mainly been giving breaker helms with accessories to the more active guildies in my guild, and we have a secret santa thing going on right now in the guild. I've also given away a few accessories, one of them a cool side blades and traded one of my guildies a regal wolver tail because they wanted one.
In return, so far I've gotten some TF2 items. :P