Earlier today I was at the AH buying stuff when a noob in full proto gear ( I doupt he was a noob probly a four star guy) asking for 100000000 cr!
(plz exuse my spelling) then he was really upset when no one gave it to him! I hate people like that.
Ultimate Begger
Here's what you do:
1. Open a trade dialogue
2. Type in 100000000 cr
3. Go eat lunch
Wonder how long someone would sit there hoping you will hit the confirm button...
When I heard 'ultimate' I was worried the begger actually GOT it.
I despise end gamers who dress as beggers and beg.
Sometimes, for fun, I unequip all my weapons and armour, wear JUST my Spiral cutlet and Spiral bombhead mask and troll them.
"Plz, I am NOOB. Giz me stuffz!"
"I is noob! I haz no gearz!"
"I is noob! Can I haz that cheezeburger?"
"My Proto Crest if proof of me being noob! I wantz cookies!"
I love doing that to noobs! Then they go like, "hey, why are you making of me?" And I just laugh because they've already gone so low by begging xD
A noob asked for 1000cr. I go chat and type amount. I then cancel and repeat. He then reported me LOL! Others there said no as well when he returned begging!
I wonder if there's anyone that actually has that many crowns on them at any given time.
Not as bad as when a friend of a friend asked to buy 1CE from me, i gave him 50CE free (we did a decent JK run and that 4* guy kept dying and giving me heat anyway), and then asked me again that he still wants to buy 1CE, kind of meh
"plz exuse my spelling"
XD plz
At least you apologized, unlike 110% of the beggars.