im not really sure if this belongs here or not but i notice a huge bug in pvp with the twisted snarble sword damage. it ignores piercing armor rating of other players and does way more damage then any other the other 3 star piercing swords in pvp. now i wear full 3 star and have a flamberge and duscker armor and flamberge vs barble i do more dmg per hit with barble and bother are piecing. and dusker armor has piercing defence and almost everyone uses dusker or wolver in pvp. so im not sure if it just not calculating damage right or not but i do way more dmg with barble in pvp then with other piercing swords. i just thought the devs would want to look into it. cause i dont think its fair or other players to lose out to broken weapons. the weapon is already fast with its attack speed but armor doesnt reduce the damage taken isnt right, at least not for pvp.
i hope im right here and not just blowing smoke.
Flamberge always does less damage than twisted snarble barb