Hey guys, i was just wondering if i should make royal jelly palace run video and with the boss at te end. Should i?
Jelly King Video
"Needs more citadel runs."
Indeed. I'd love to see a competent team (preferrably a duo) take on the Citadel, exploring every possible nook and cranny. I just went through a bit of it for the first time (died horribly due to lultrapseverywhere) and found it to be pretty awesome, if somewhat annoying.
If you read this, Magnus, a full run of Firestorm Citadel would be awesome.
Trust me, I've tried. I've recorded almost twenty Firestorm Citadel levels and Vanaduke fights, and it's quite impossible to get it under fifteen minutes, or 500 MB.
I'm considering eating my pride and paying for Vimeo's monthly.
(also http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LEM8Pxiilic&feature=channel_video_title for royal jelly whatnot)
Magnus, post te firestorm citadel in different parts
Too bad, do it.
No avengers either.
Didn't youtube get rid of the 15min limit?
A few lets plays I watch have been uploading 30min-1hr videos on youtube without problem.
The Youtube limit got removed to long time Youtube users that haven't broken any rules
"I hate that! >:C"
Why is 500MB a limit, BTW? YouTube's max filesize is 2GB. e_e
500MB is for Vimeo, who uploads videos like they're not Edward Scissorhands. Youtube likes to lower visual quality, lower audio quality, reverse left and right outputs of audio, and gradually desync audio.
I often upload to both, but it's easier to advertise on youtube so I just slap "For higher quality video: vimeothisandthat" in all the youtube video infos and wait a week for Vimeo to let me put up a new HD video.
"500MB is for Vimeo, who uploads videos like they're not Edward Scissorhands. Youtube likes to lower visual quality, lower audio quality, reverse left and right outputs of audio, and gradually desync audio."
Youtube hasn't done this (to me, at least) for ages...at least a couple years, I think.
It may be that the codecs you're using to render your video are the root of the problem. Because YouTube videos can look as awesome as this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=II_g4_LSSRA (Contains Assassin's Creed and 1080p)
I'm using .mkv with .mp3 and .mp4 inside! Only evil people would wreck that formatting. D:<
"Only evil people would wreck that formatting. D:<"
I for one welcome our Google Overlords.
Already been done, but nothing stops you.
Royal jelly isn't all that fascinating. Needs more citadel runs. Without Avengers.