so I recently unlocked trinket slots and was wonderi if it would be worth it to get bRink trinkets with all those sParks I have saved uP. Or maybe I should just sell them? Any advice is great thanks
Brinks trinkets: worth using?

Yes, the trinket do now work.
They can work pretty well, if you don't plan on spending any energy on the Weapon Trinkets or Heart Pendant line trinkets.
Personally, I think the Krogmo trinkets are better, but it really depends on playstyle and/or UVs.

The status resistance trinkets do indeed work. Word in the Clockworks say that the 5* pendants are about as effective as a medium UV (more confirmation probably needed), which can mean the difference between life and death when statused. That said, I still believe Weapon Modules are better, as Spiral Knights is weighted heavily in favor of offense (there is no 'tank' build, for instance). Trinkets are a great investment, if you buy them on days that you wouldn't play anyway, they cost only 50CE. A very high ASI or DMG boost (two elite modules) can be a game-changer, not to mention you can mix and match as needed. They allow you to customize your loadout without needing expensive UVs or specific pieces of gear. I have most of the elite weapon modules and two of every 5* trinket you can get from Brinks; occasionally I will break out a shock or fire resist trinket, but they really do pale in comparison to the modules. I haven't tested my Penta-heart extensively yet, but I do find it more useful in pick-up-groups where the randoms are less skilled, and I have to do most of the work.
That said, token trinkets are effectively FREE, as opposed to elite modules which cost at minimum, 1000CE to craft. So if you can't afford one yet, a 5* shock or fire resist trinket will still make a nice contribution to not-dying.

The Saintly Silver trinkets are nice if you want to spam (Gran) Faust charges in RJP, given there aren't any pierce armors with curse resist (at least, none that I recall). You're probably better off getting some slash or quick strike modules and ignoring the charge attack, though.

Radiant Silvermail has pierce and curse defense.

They are until you get the Heart and ASI/CTR/DMG boost trinkets.

Is there something wrong with your "P" key? But yeah trinkets are worth it to balance out negative status armor.

Honestly, you should just vendor brinks trinkets. You are better off with UVs. His trinkets are effective, but it really isn't worth soiling your trinket slots with those when you have Heart Pendants and Elite modules available. If I am not mistaken, I think the brink trinkets (5*) vendor for 10k crowns. Having, say, an elite quinacrine module, instead of a 5* shock pendant, will get you far better results in general. The brink trinkets bind upon purchase, so you can test their effects out if you really want to.
PS: It seems your shift button is malfunctioning

Honestly, you should just vendor brinks trinkets. You are better off with UVs. His trinkets are effective, but it really isn't worth soiling your trinket slots with those when you have Heart Pendants and Elite modules available. If I am not mistaken, I think the brink trinkets (5*) vendor for 10k crowns. Having, say, an elite quinacrine module, instead of a 5* shock pendant, will get you far better results in general. The brink trinkets bind upon purchase, so you can test their effects out if you really want to.
PS: It seems your shift button is malfunctioning

So it seems the general consensus is that they just aren't as good as sullivan trinkets? Those are what im planning to use anyway for the most part, so i might just vendor them. I have enough to buy a 5-star primal, and am working on 5-star of the other 2. For 10,000 however, i could easily buy back some of the CE i spend on crafting the trinkets i will use more. That actually sounds really good. And i can always try them out since they bind on purchase.
For a long time, it was believed that status trinkets did nothing; however, it is now believed that they do work. I don't know for sure, as I've never undertaken a detailed study.
My process has been to collect one of each damage trinket, and then one of each status trinket, and sell any excess trinkets. As I collect more Krogmo trinkets, I use Brinks trinkets less and less, so I may eventually sell even my one-of-each Brinks collection. The Krogmo trinkets are really pretty overwhelmingly powerful. Maybe the Brinks trinkets should be strengthened, to compete.
Also, please move this thread to the Arsenal forum.