Selling a variety of materials at suspiciously low prices...?

4 replies [Last post]
Legacy Username

Knight's name is Vortex, crowns or energy will work. Message me or post if you're interested or want to negotiate. :)

___4 Stars___

-Blaze Pepper x1 (2000)
-Chroma Tear x3 (1500)
-Meteor Mote x1 (1000)
-Miracloth x1 (1500)
-Perfect Snowball x2 (1000)
-Warp Dust x2 (1200)
-Rocky Core x2 (1200)

___3 Stars___

-Brute Core x14 (400)
-Bushy Tail x13 (500)
-Drake Scale x5 (800)
-Hailstone x6 (500)
-Rocket Sprocket x17 (500)
-Soul Dust x13 (600)
-Unstable Core x2 (1000)
-Fine Fabric x7 (800)
-Force Dynamo x4 (800)
-Phial of Phear x1 (1000)
-Redwood x2 (500)
-Volt Oil x1 (800)

___2 Stars___

-Cooling Cell x7 (300)
-Critter Carapice x14 (200)
-Driftwood x15 (100)
-Forbidden Fruit x2 (500)
-Frayed Fabric x19 (200)
-Frost Gel x6 (200)
-Fuel Canister x2 (400)
-Gel Core x70 (50)
-Grave Soil x7 (300)
-Gremlin Gizmo x11 (200)
-Iron Gear x18 (200)
-Monster Bone x46 (100)
-Nightshade x6 (200)
-Owlite Feather x25 (300)
-Static Clinger x4 (100)

___1 Star___

-Beast Scale x22 (50)
-Brimstone x26 (50)
-Bronze Bolt x42 (30)
-Ecto Drop x68 (20)
-Gel Drop x160 (5)
-Scrap Metal x116 (10)
-Sharp Fang x108 (20)

Ask me if you need anything. I'm also buying a Voltech Alchemer Mk. II Recipe!

Legacy Username


Legacy Username
meteor mote

i'll buy meteor mote, find me online at haven 1 token vendor

Legacy Username
Update bump, thanks for the

Update bump, thanks for the sales.

Iwonder if this move if i post

IGN Ozbezarius
2 redwood
1 drakescale
1800cw rights