well my knight's name is Hokageminato and atfirst i was happy with this name but then i started recieving coments from other players that the name is funny,and stupid so i got a little bit annoyed and i wanted to change my name but the onlyway to do this is either to creat a new knight but i dont want to start over and i read in one of the topics that if i aske a game master to change it they might do so can u plz change it for me ill be very happyand if u change it can u plz make it (double helix) and if its taken just add numbers in the end.sorry if i have any spelling mistakes,and if i am wasting ur time.
can any GM plz read this its really important to me.
Before you do that, you might want to learn how to spell and punctuate.
Do it.
And to break your post into paragraphs.
Like this.
are you honestly so worried about what other people, people you dont know, people you may never meet, and people who will may not have any impact on your life other than this game think about your name? really?
DOn't worry about it. People can say what they want' its p to you to decide to take offence or not.
I mean, look at my name: It implies that I'm either crazy and destructive, or destroy crazies.
Personally, I lean closer to the crazy and destructive. Just go with it.
Hokage... that's something to do with Naruto, right? If anyone thinks it weird, they're probably just jelly they're not a ninja.
You chose the name, you must have a reason for choosing it. That name is what represents you as a player, so let that name be who you are on SK.
Hokageminato, Spiral knight. If anyone has a problem with it, that's their fault.
Its a good name. Kinda tough for eengrish speakers to pronounce, but most names are abbreviated by most players anyway. Hoka isn't bad if that is what you end up going by.
You should send in a support ticket, not post to the forums. I don't know if the GMs would do this, since the only instances where they've changed names is due to offensiveness.