Ye,I was scammer....
I lurked thru Haven..sawd some WTB,Luckly,I had one Avenger,and,I got 1,8k CE.I ran away.
Note,my nick was 15 characters long.
I used some random techniques,I bought an SS for 70 CE,the trick is that I show my 700 CE,And then delete an zero while the guy finds SS in his arsenal.
I had an huge,huge profit...In one moment,I had 7,5k CE.
In masses,I used reversed psychology.
Guy wanted to buy SS,and he said he will get 20k more tomorrow,and that he got 30k just.
I said,that I got an buyer for 40k,but that I will hold SS for him,if he gives me 20k.He gave me,I neever asaw him again.
Moost about scamming is psychology.
Note,this is for guys here,these are basics,I hope you will know how to get sucesfull,without being pranked,now vote me for best scammer in SK AWARDS
It's bad wy to earn money as I always say.
People will hate you -..-
7.5kce is funny ammount.