Hello everyone,
I have come to appeal to the collective wisdom of the community for aid in this matter:
I have decided to be a gunslinger (don't try to dissuade me from this path as I'm already set on it). However, I'm unsure about which 2 guns I'll want to use. It appears to me that I'll want to use 2 guns that off set each other in some way. Since I can only choose 2 (not gonna open more weapon slots) I'll want to have 1 have one attribute (elemental, piercing, or shadow) and the other be a different element. I noted that I can sorta get around this by using either the Argent Peacemaker or the Sentenza (elemental-piercing and shadow-piercing respectively), and I think I plan to use one of these as one of the two and pick up a gun with the missing element to fill the gap. Here's the first question: Is the Antigua series a good choice for 1 of the guns?
Next, if I choose one of the Antigua series guns then I'll need to offset the element that I'm missing with my second gun. Here is where it gets tricky. Right now I have an autogun as my only gun (used it to clear T1 and access T2). I thought I might be able to change it into a Volcanic Pepperbox, but the wiki says it deals normal instead of elemental damage :(. I could ignore the last element attribute and just upgrade it until it's a Blitz Needle and use it for pure piercing damage (since enemies weak to piercing but strong to elemental/shadow will receive normal damage from my Antigua series gun), or I could ditch the autogun now and start building a different series targeted at filling one of the elemental gaps. I'm looking at one of the Alchemer series guns to possibly play that role. Alternatively, I could keep with the piercing strategy and get a Callahan instead of the Blitz Needle. So here's the second question: What do you think about the second gun?
Since we're on the topic of gunslingers, I might as well ask some questions about the armor too. I'm planning to use the gunslinger series as my main set of armor (Nameless Poncho + Justifier Hat + whatever shield). Third question: Is it worth the bonuses to go with the gunslinger set or should I opt for more defensive clothing and go with like a Divine Mantle/Dragon Scale Mail + matching helm? Follow-up question: If the gunslinger series is worth it then is the Nameless Poncho + Justifier Hat combo good?
Regarding shield, if I go with the gunslinger series armor, I'm going to have a ton of piercing defense and nothing in any other category so I would want one which covered elemental and shadow. Sadly this appears impossible and I'm stuck choosing between the Grey Owlite and Dread Skelly Shield. Shield matters less if you think I should concentrate my armor more on defense than on gunslinger bonuses. I currently have an Owlite Shield so I could continue along that path or I can drop it now in favor of a Dread Skelly Shield. Last question: What do you think would be best?
Right now is a key point in my development because it's here that I'm able to easily choose an alchemy path without losing very much money to switch. That is why I need your help :3
Thanks in advance,