Hi, so my brother and i both plays spiral knights. we share one same computer but we do not share accounts. But we seem to be sharing mist energy. Is it some kind of Bug? or is energy suppose to be shared in between one computer? pls Help! ><
How is energy shared? URGENT!

Yes, accounts on the same computer share mist if they are both free accounts.
Trying buying CE with real cash on either one of the accounts, that would fix your problem.
Otherwise.. have fun O.o

I think that the simple rule is this: Each computer can have one free account, in addition to as many paid accounts as you like. A "paid" account is simply an account that has ever had real money spent on it.
So if you spend a little money (even just a couple of dollars) on one account, then you can get another account with separate mist. If you spend a little money on that account, then you can get a third account with separate mist. And so forth.

Now, I know that paid and free accounts aren't supposed to share energy, but mine are. I bought the explorer pack, created my new alt., and then discovered that energy was shared! Please help...
Does it have something to do with the fact that I have an elevator pass active?

did you make an actual new account, or did you just make another knight in that three character selection menu

I made another knight in the character selection menu. Is there a way to create a new account in another way?
Accounts made on the same computer have shared mist, unless one of them has bought CE.