"Amass an Arsenal that includes a 5 star helmet, armor, shield, gun and bomb". I have this achievement, and yet I have never owned a 5* bomb. (I have a 5* sword, gun, shield, 2 helm, armor, 2 shield and trinket, along with various 4* and lower gear)
"Stellar Set" achievement description is incorrect
Sat, 12/24/2011 - 21:43
Sun, 12/25/2011 - 07:22
Way back when blast network
Way back when blast network launched i got all the "get x amount of bombs" achievements as if BN equipment was counted on my arsenal.
Could have something to do with it.
Sun, 12/25/2011 - 12:03
@Juances Hmm, that's
@Juances Hmm, that's possible, I remember getting one of those achievements from playing Blast Network.
Sun, 01/01/2012 - 01:15
Just got this
I just got this achievement too, without crafting a bomb.
I crafted a 5* shield, armor, helm, trinket, and gun. In that order. Got the achievement on crafting the gun.
Maybe crafting the trinket helped?
Probably you just got a lucky glitch. I remember really well being separated from the achievement just for the bomb. It gave me a reason to get my Shivermist.