I'm playing this scary level of Spiral Knights at two in the morning. It's scary. D: Anyone else come across this level? It's got candles and creepy.
Scary level?

I've been playing for quite sometime, and I almost always wait for a Candlestick keep level to rotate out. It's not that I can't do them, it's just a hassle, especially in T3, and the extra effort just isn't worth it.

Yeah. I didn't very much like it because it legitimately scared me. It was pretty hassling, though because of how you had to keep the lights up. It's very well constructed, though.

When the lights go out... The Grimlikins come out haunting me! they surround me! my Knight is screaming, my party members have been gored by spookittens and the spookittens are now feasting on their flesh! the grimlinkins draw closer, my knight is yelling in terror, they open their purple mouths and move in for the kill... AUGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!! not scary at all

I wish OOO would make a Owlite expansion :/

I really love that OOO is pushing their atmosphere and level design closer to how amazing FSC is, and Candlestick Keep is a stellar example of that. If only the rewards were a little better for the challenge... I still do them all anyway, because where's the fun if you aren't in danger?

It's a lot scarier if you do the Frost-themed version. Eep! :)

With Grimalkins, I love phantoms. Grimalkins are overkill. Both don't die. Phantoms are defeatable, but Grimalkins are not. Phantoms charge ttacks, Grimalkins do not. Four Grimalkins can spawn in solo. They can break through shield. Overkill. I speed through Candlestick levels to get out of there.
Candlestick Keep.
Been there, done that.
Multiple times actually.
Don't worry, you'll get over it, eventually.