Seriosly, this is pathetic.
Having to wait more than 1 min for AH to refresh? Or even show up those stupid featured auctions?
It happens only on EU servers. Also i noticed i have better preformance on US servers than EU servers (even if i live in Europe). What i think about it? That you made those silly EU servers just to 'PRETEND' you care about EU players and to stop us complaining about lack of EU servers. Those 4 bars we get on EU servers is just for placebo effect to make us shut and be happy from "new eu servers"
OOO you took a crapload of new players with that silly steam achievment, you took crapload of $$$ from winter promo pack yet you cant support that amount of players and you even dont upgrade servers><
umm EU server is great, i can play fsc without least bit of noticeable delay except for spawn button, same for the shock boss
to me thats a great upgrade
ur post is slightly pathetic tho, i agree to that