During my match today in Lockdown, whilst my Heavy Plate Helm (incredibly underused) was equipped, did a really cool graphical glitch/bug or whatever.
Basically, when I went invisible mode, the outline of my character showed the outline of a 5* Volcanic/Ancient Plate Helm on its head, rather than my 4* Heavy Plate Helm. It was pretty cool, and I didn't even notice it until I saw the horns sticking out of the helmet outline. When I uncloaked, though, my helm is still its usual 4* self.
Does anyone know why this happens?
Could be that they used the same basic mesh and just rendered the horns invisible, much like the "chains" on the Levi Blade. Levi Blade and CIV use the same skin mesh, but the chains on Levi are invisible and only show in certain areas due to a visual quirk (most notably they can be seen in arenas). It is probably the same thing.