Cold iron carver doesnt do extra damage to undead
I finally managed to get myself the recipe and craft the damn thing and now im stuck with a sword which performs exactly the same as the ascended caliber (but it does look better though)
ive tried it out many times on the undead mobs (ghost cats, zombies, etc.) I do the same damage to them as any other mob.
Im not sure if this is a bug but ive been in the graveyard enough times to realise my cold iron carver (level 10 btw) isnt doing any extra damage at all....
Based on my own observations of the Ascended Calibur vs Cold Iron Vanquisher, this is probably not a bug but intentional (if very misleading) design. Details here:
Can someone confirm if this has being dealt with?
It'd be one thing if it was Leviathan Vs Cold Iron Vanquisher but we're taking 4* vs 5* here and NO difference in damage between that is MEANT to be strong against. If this isn't just a bug, it's poorly designed and reflects badly on Three Rings.
See also:
(Was made 2 days after this thread but there's more discussion)
I've slowly noticed this, too. I was under the impression that the difference in damage between undead and other monsters was pretty noticeable...