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Guild Gates

12 Réponses [Dernière contribution]
Legacy Username

I couldn't find an existing topic asking about this so

The big pedastel in the guildhalls looks an awful lot like it's big enough for a gate to plop down onto

If, in the future, each guild had their own gate to pump minerals into, that seems like it'd be pretty fun and allow experimentally-minded guilds to try out certain recipes without fear of the general public diluting the mixture, and loot-minded guilds to tailor high-output dungeons to generate lots of crowns, etc

I BET there's already plans for this sort of thing though

Legacy Username
That would actually be really

That would actually be really awesome.

Portrait de Fallout

best idea ever....

Legacy Username

Also, this could give better control in terms of, for example, letting the guild leader/s chose when the gate finishes (as in get every material and transforms into a full gate), but it should not do 2 things, one not necessarelly dependent of the other: 1- Limited runs per week: to ensure that the outside arcade is an option as well for the guild members. If everyone enters a guild, they would never use the arcade; 2 - Acess to other cities only via arcade: Again, to ensure that people use the arcade to go to the other cities, because if some guild can manage, in some way, to do a full lucky room (i mean, all the floors till the next city being the ones that you can go running without fear), it would pretty much turn the arcade useless in no time.

Legacy Username
This has been suggested a

This has been suggested a couple times before, but I don't think there was an actual thread dedicated to it.

Anyway, I support the idea, but I think there should be some way to make guild gates playable by the public.

Legacy Username
Profit *-*

Well, there could be a cost in crowns to play guild gates, and this cost would be based in the amount of features used at the construction. Every crown spent would go to the guild deposit, to be used in other guild features, and every time someone gets a mineral shard in the guild gate, one copy of that would go to the deposit to create new gates (only one, though, no matter how big it was).

Portrait de Cake
I like this idea, but I don't

I like this idea, but I don't like that minerals wouldn't be heading to the normal gates in the arcade. This would cause issues for new players and those not in a guild. I'd suggest having a craft option where you could craft your junk shards into "crafted minerals". These minerals would be used to power guild gates, but not normal gates. Guild gates would then not drop any shards from monsters. Thus we do not dilute the pool of minerals heading to the other gates, and people are encouraged to play the arcade gates in order to get the shards needed for the guild gate minerals. If the guild gates had other prizes and content, I could see myself really getting into this.

Legacy Username
Allowing non guildies to play

Allowing non guildies to play in guild gates would give guilds a huge incentive to coordinate to make a damn good gate. I think the mechanics would be a little iffy though, because how could other people join a guild gate? If the gates appear in the arcade, or some special section of the arcade, then it's just going to be a cluttered area full of half complete and otherwise useless gates. If players have to be invited into the gate, then that forces players into partying with someone else from the guild, negating the possibility of solo runs and very much limiting the overall ability for others to play in it that specific gate.

I think it would be cool to have an area that has a limited number of spots for guild gates, but guilds need to bid on them each week. The top bidding guilds get their gates hosted, and like normal gates, the people who helped create it get rewards for the number of people who enter. The guild leader should get a special bonus though (based on the number of people who enter), to give them a reason to not only create a very strong gate, but also to have it hosted in the arcade. If this were to happen, I'd suggest that guild gates have a life span twice as long as the hosting period, giving guilds the chance to run the same gate for two weeks, but they would have a build time equal to one hosting session.

For example (not exact numbers), if the hosting period is a week, then once a gate is created it will exist for two weeks. Once that gate expires, the guild will have a week to build the next one.

As for the bidding process, I think blind bids would be the best. Every guild leader who's interested places a bid, in crowns, on one of the X hosting spots. They can't see how much other people have bid, or even if anyone has bid at all. They can go in and modify their bid before the bidding process is complete, but only to increase their amount, never reduce it. The process would begin 2~3 days before the next hosting week begins.

At least, that's my idea for how to create a neat system to "share" guild gates.

Legacy Username
How about this: Guilds have a

How about this:

Guilds have a constructable gate. They can control how it is built, and only guild members can put minerals in.

When fully built, it goes into the arcade, and stays there for 8 days.

Anyone can use the results of their construction
Restricted construction means that the guilds can do themed builds

Potentially, the number of gates.

Legacy Username
Sorry, i made myself unclear

Actually, i was trying to say that the copyed minerals would go to the guild deposit, to make other GUILD bad.

Legacy Username
@BehindCurtai I considered

@BehindCurtai I considered something similar, but if every guild had a gate, this would quickly add up. The game is currently in some sort of closed beta, yet there are roughly a dozen or so guilds. Having them all show up in the arcade would more than double the amount of gates currently there, and the game doesn't even have free registration yet. Once it does, if every guild gate showed up in the arcade, then it would simply be impossible to navigate.

Legacy Username
Hmm... Maybe the guilds could


Maybe the guilds could pay to put their gate into the arcade, and in return get rewards if the gate was used.

Say, ... /em smiles

Say a cost of 50,000 - 75,000 crowns to put a gate in the arcade, and 1 unit of crystal energy gained per person-floor of use?

Paid by the guild treasurer, and paid to the same person. Displays the name of the guild (for "advertising" purposes).

Popular gates are valuable. Unpopular ones ... not so valuable.

Legacy Username
The rewards for having

The rewards for having players play your guild's gate are already implemented. You get money when people play gates you helped construct, so if your guild exclusively constructed that gate, then that means that your guild gets 100% of the crowns. The only thing that might need to be changed is making it so that the money goes directly into the guild bank, assuming there will be one.

I see two options for presenting guild gates to the public. One is the easy, almost cop out option. Make a gate browser. You open the menu, and it gives you a list of guild gates. It gets the job done, but it's pretty uninteresting.

I would prefer having a section of the arcade (or maybe a second arcade) dedicated to guild gates. The gates would be rotated out in a similar way, but the tricky part is deciding how they get rotated in. I don't care much for the bidding idea, since that allows large, wealthy guilds to dominate the guild arcade. Simply putting them on a queue would take too long, as well. Putting a cost (crowns or energy) to place them on the queue would help, but the queue could still potentially get very long.

A third option (I think I like this one) is to actually have both of these implemented. Every guild gate shows up in the gate browser, but every two days (or whenever) the highest-rated gate is rotated into the guild gate section of the arcade, which serves as more of a guild gate showcase. The duration of gates rotated into the showcase may or may not be affected, but in any case, every gate should have a limited duration.