Ever notice how Retrodes (them robots that shoot face lazers) look like they're sneezing?
this is why I hate fighting poison retrodes...

I think the subject line is his version of a signature? Like how one person on here writes "Zelda" and another always writes "What dark ritual?" as their subject line. Only thing is it's not very effective if done for the starting post.
And yes... Retrode lasers are actually Retrode snot.
well, I was hoping to attract wild bronies so I could stuff them in my broom closet with my furfag collection so that I might avoid future contradictions with the sort, but that seems to have failed.
The whole retrode thing is simply idle chatter concerning spiral knights.

seriously? putting ponies in the title just to attract bronies here so you could rip on em?
just get out bro

I think this is surprisingly appropriate... which is incredibly odd considering I never expected to have a reason to post it here. Enjoy.

I saw the Pilot Episodes...Needless to say, I'm never doing it again...EVER. Seriously? Laughing at an Evil looking Tree like you see in Mortal Combat explodes with a Pink Puff & turns Normal?

Gwen, thank you for linking me to your post. That's awesome.
nawt to rip on bronies just to hide them in a closet D:
In all serious however, I had no reason for making the tittle ponies, it's just something random I thought up because I didn't care for a subject tittle for this ^^;

Bronie are male fans of the show My little Pony friendship is magic

Reply based on actual content of original post:
I never thought they were ever sneezing seeing as they have no mouths and no noses.
Reply based on what is actually happening in thread:
Skullkid is missing out on a lot by letting the bit with the trees get to him (I only like that bit because Pinkie is hilarious in it), and clearly thinks matching wits with an insane moon-goddess and kicking a manticore in the face somehow don't make up for it.
Also Pony+Bro== "Brony". It's not spelled "Bronie", and it's not that hard to remember. And anyone who is outside the real demographic for the show (autistic kids and five-year-old girls with parents who are loaded enough to buy the toys, presumably) is a "brony".

Yeah my favorite pony is Fluttersh-
oh... :C
I have no nose and I must sneeze?
Retrodes aren't so bad if you dodge the lasers. I find DA annihilates them. Also, try harder. Pony bashing/discussion doesn't set these forums on fire. Try to start an argument over CE instead.

Because when was the last time a character like Rarity's got written as a genuinely good person on TV anyway?

I disagree, Twilight Sparkle is clearly the best pony. She's a nerd character who isn't played into the standard annoying "Wesley Crusher" stereotype.

My favourite is Rainbow Dash cus she's MULTI COLOURED!!!
...what does the subject have to do with the actual post content?
Retrodes are just trying to be mechanical zombies, considering their attacks and animations.