found my answer :]
alright thanks...i think im make vog first...change that to my vana gear and put salamander on my jelly king gear(sala. gives bonus vs jellies) :P
I have both swords, and I usually bring both for the convenience of having both a 2-swing and a 3-swing sword, also both charges are useful in different places. DA still has the upper hand though, coupled with CTR max (either trinkets or UV) makes for some hefty zombie genocide.
Btw, why would you make salamander when you can make skolver? o.0
mostly just bad and quick decisions lol.. i dont know im not that ''good'' im still new-ish iv only been playing a couple of months...when my sword gets to level 10 ill add up all the numbers and see how much better da is :]
Please move this thread to the Arsenal forum.
Usually people ask for comparisons of Levi vs. CIV, or DA vs. the other elemental swords. You see, damage type is the primary consideration in choosing a sword. If you're into swords, then you want a piercing sword, an elemental sword, and a shadow sword. There is no particular reason to own a normal sword. You might find my sword guide helpful.
The CIV's charge attack is quite nice, especially since it knocks back less than Levi's, and hence has more chance of landing multiple times. Other than that, it's not a very good sword. It does normal damage, and its advantage against undead disappears when you start piling up damage bonuses later in the game.
bopp youv poste don my threads before :P and alright im just delete it cuz i found out my answer ^^
Ever bothered checking the Wiki for damage values? Here, i'll give you a little HINT.
And Divine Avenger is definitely worth making. An awesome charge, a good damage and a quite huge knockback.
(Also remember that a Cold Iron Vanquisher isn't effective against Constructs, while they're weak to DA's Elemental)