now recruiting knights for guild "Lords_Of_War"...
this guild is for any and all who wish to traverse the clockworks or play in guild lock-down tournaments.
to respond. leave your knights name. in the forum or send me an I.M. in game.
now recruiting knights for guild "Lords_Of_War"...
this guild is for any and all who wish to traverse the clockworks or play in guild lock-down tournaments.
to respond. leave your knights name. in the forum or send me an I.M. in game.
Thank you for your interest in joining this guild. Lords of War is a guild where you can come and earn experience with some help. have questions answered. or just have fun going through the Clockworks.
I created this guild for those who enjoy traversing levels in the clockworks and beating bosses. or playing for achievements like myself.
Any and all are welcome. there is no set gear or what tier you have to be. the only requirements we have is that you be courteous to other players.
And love to play with courteous people, helpful knights.
to get started.
i need your in game name. as in so:
my name is "your name here" lol.
what tier are you and than what kind of gear do you use on a normal load out. (no required tier set) for instance:
Tier 3:
Cobalt Helmet 4* & Magic Hood 2*
Cobalt Armor 4* & Magic Cloak 2*
Great Defender 4*
Ascended Calibur 4*
Master Blaster 4*
Optional Load Outs & Gear:
Master Blast Bomb 4*
Arc Razor 3*
Trinket Slots:
Brute Jelly Band 3*
Clock-Works xp:
Have solo-ed tier 1 with no revives.
Have solo-ed tier 2 with few revives. (not a requirement)
Have Teamed tier 3 to level 28.
Snarbolax; Solo-ed & Teamed win with same and less than current load out
Jelly King; Teamed win with less than current load out
Roarmulus Twins; Never attempted
Vanaduke; Never attempted
Once again. thank you for your interest.
i will reply to all messages everyday.
And you can find me in game every day between 7 pm and 10 pm MST.
Guild Master D.N.