i cnt take this whenevr i wa;k in my shadosun slicker my spurs bounce ridiculosly
we must b heard speak as loud as u cna 2 get this fixed
we protes haven 1 gardin whos with me! 4:00 oPM tomorow
i cnt take this whenevr i wa;k in my shadosun slicker my spurs bounce ridiculosly
we must b heard speak as loud as u cna 2 get this fixed
we protes haven 1 gardin whos with me! 4:00 oPM tomorow
Tim-Bale Demands the Assistance of a Translator, who knows of the Rare Language, "Derp."
Hey hey I can translate. I'm fluent in noob.
"Good day sirs and madams. I have a problem: I am stupid.
Rather than fixing this problem, however, I encourage all of you to join me. We shall be stupid together, and in doing so, we shall achieve glory.
Tomorrow, amidst the lush greenery of Haven, when the sun shines brightly from its slow descent, we shall hold a festival to celebrate this revolution. Join me, comrades, as we drink to a brighter future!"
yes that kalana u r a good translater cept for the i am stupd part but joinin me n haven will fix tha problem just fine i imagine. i am not stupd fine day we are having fin day infeed i presume sir
Thanks for the trolling thread. Now please remember to use reasonable grammar that at least looks decent. Also send a support ticket and bug report via F2 key. OOO doesn't really care/know otherwise.
I don't know what to say so I will just say