The same way we have dual type weapons like blackhawk and silversix, I'd like to see dual typed monsters such as Jelly ghosts, clockwork gremlins, and demon beasts.
Dual Type Monsters
Sun, 04/17/2011 - 09:21
Legacy Username
Sun, 04/17/2011 - 19:12
>.> I play both really. It's a bit closer to Pokemon even though Yugioh has so many different random monster classes "I'm a psychic tuner fiend!" and the names match this game better, they have no effect on the strengths or weaknesses of the monsters, but in Pokemon this does come into play.
Sun, 04/17/2011 - 20:14
Legacy Username
I'd like to see a jelly
I'd like to see a jelly version of every monster, including vanaduke. Would be pretty neat
Sun, 04/17/2011 - 21:09
yo dawg we herd u like jelly
yo dawg we herd u like jelly cubes so we put a jelly cube inside your jelly cube
oh wait we already have that :D
I'd rather not have this. This would pretty much mean some monsters might have resistances to 2 out of the 3 weapon types(besides normal). They might have a monster that would have a 4x weakness but that's not worth it to me.