LOL, my bad. I'm the one making the thread longer then...
<<The Ivy League>> Is Currently Recruiting Mature & Skilled T3 Players - Boss Farming/Shadow Lairs/Lockdown/Etc - 55 Members -
Sat, 03/31/2012 - 08:04
i wanna join
u can send me a invite
my gear:
divine avenger asi low
dark thorn shield
strike needle
miracle hood fire low
miracle cloak fire low
my ingame name: candoanythingdude
ive done all the bosses except shadow lair .
Sat, 03/31/2012 - 08:05
i wanna join
u can send me a invite
my gear:
divine avenger asi low
dark thorn shield
strike needle
miracle hood fire low
miracle cloak fire low
my ingame name: candoanythingdude
ive done all the bosses except shadow lair .
Wed, 04/04/2012 - 00:20

Hey ezdidit I've got a friend
Hey ezdidit I've got a friend who wants to join an active t3 guild, his IGN is movindu and he wants to be tested instead of application cause he doesn't go on forums :D mail him in-game
Wed, 04/04/2012 - 17:16

Ez is on hiatus. I'll take care of it later tonight when I login.