So yesterday I saw a dude with a Darkfang Shield (Danipsycho I think? Something like that) and upon inspecting him noticed that the stats on the Darkfang Shield were basically a Blackened Crest with elemental resist. Curious since I'm sure it didn't have fire resist previously, according to the wiki talk page edits made recently it in fact HAS been stealth patched. Now consider that we know Ian is working on something relating to Gremlins via Nick's twitter, well I hardly think it needs spelling out.
So out of curiousity for anyone that does own a Darkfang Shield, any idea when this change occured? It must have been recent since screens from a month ago still had the old stats.
Edit: This in fact the general discussion and not the arsenal seemingly! I'm totally paying attention, really.
Seriously? they talk about antigua changes and don't do s**t, but they patch a shield without a warning?
But could have been your mistake or a fire Uv. let's hope that.