Well I was looking through the wiki and looked at miracle cloak. I now own it and am going to upgrade it but to which of the 3 better forms? I pretty much took choas cloak out of my mind now. Anyways I was hoping you guys tell me which one should i pick
miracle cloaks stronger forms
I say you choose Divine -
- elemental defense + shadow defense
- very good status resist
- good for Firestorm Citadel (Vanaduke) runs due to the high fire resist, shadow defense against undead, and elemental defense against Oilers (on fire) and the red rovers (fire turrets)
- sadly, it has no normal defense, making you weak against enemies such as Gremlins that deal blunt force damage. This also means that it isnt very good for Lockdown
Im gonna use the same type of helm as the armour. so im gonna try to form that whole set. anymore advice. maybe the choas cloak is good? tell us more opinions
They have different set of defenses. Neither is better than the other, depends on each level.
Full divine set can be a bad thing since normal damage is pretty abundant, but this also has 3 status resist, one of them being curse.
I strongly encourage you to mix the divine veil with some normal armor if you want an all around set with varied defenses.
Sure non-matching sets may look bad, but i prefer to be unfashionable and survive than die pretty.
Ok im gonna have that pick that one but which other armour to pick? I like it to be 1 of the 3 miracle cloak advancements
Actually Chaos Set is considered the worst choice as it gives you negative resistance to all statuses.
Would divine veil and grey feather mantle be a good choice?
I have a grey feather mantle and I have no complaints about it. If you hate fire and shock and use a mix of different weapon types, it's a good way to go, just get a couple of weapon-buff trinkets when you can.
Ok so my total set would be divine veil and grey feather mantle. Good or bad?
Ok now for shield i was thinking grey owlite shield. Good or bad? any other suggestions?
now,for a sword i was thinking either devine avenger or gran faust. which would be better?maybe anyvother suggestions?
Im having pulsar as my second weapon btw.(5* version)
thanks for the advice so far guys
The Divine Avenger or Gran Faust question has been asked many times. More people seem to be leaning towards DA but it's really your choice. A DA is extremely good for FSC, but if you can get both, that's even better.
Bopps sword outlines both: http://wiki.spiralknights.com/Swordmaster_Guide
And you can look on the forums to find what other people think.
http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/34271 <----- (In this post there are more links to other posts about this)
That's what the search bar is for!
First of all, SK isn't actually a game when you make just one "best" equipment set up. It's rather about building many different set ups and change them between levels (that's why there are Arsenal Stations). In SK you don't develop single character with some crappy, "one-way ticket" things like skills tree, but your character is blank piece of paper that you build up anew and customise every time you enter different level. Of course you don't need every single item there is available, but you definitely gonna need more then one shield and more then two weapons (even if you're playing without additional weapon slots).
Owlite Shield is good, and most players chose it at first, due to it usefulness in case of two out of four bosses that are introduced so far. When I started this game I've crafted skelly shield and owlite shield at the same time and I've been equipping the one more suitable for a level. Of course back then beasts and slimes were doing normal damage so I didn't feel the need for piercing shield. Now it may be different.
As for the swords, if you're going to focus on this type of weapon, you will probably need at least one piercing sword, one elemental sword and one shadow sword. If you really like 2-hitters, go for both: DA and GF and then get some piercing sword.
Get chaos cloak
-More risk = more fun
-3 damage bonuses (1 for swords, 1 for guns, 1 for bombs)
-Looks cool, decent amount of protection.
-Divine cloak is a waste, as the divine veil has fiend med AND the same bonuses
-Is not vog. Is not boring.
For Elemental protection, Divine/Grey Feather is excellent. No weapon bonuses though, but you can ignore that imho. Grey Owlite Shield is also good choice.
Ok so i checked out the threads and now am fully aware of where avenger and faust stand.I got enough jelly tokens now and can get 1 sealed sword. But I though maybe I should get silent nightblade instead of faust and use the sealed sword for avenger. Which should I pick?Faust or silent nightblade?
Once again, this has been discussed. You just have to look around. Really, it depends on whether you like 2 swing or 3 swing swords.
lets think about it for a while. i dont think SK would put a rubbish armor as 5*. lets say mad bomber, it has decrease it 4 elements. but in advantage to that, it has damage bonus to neutralize the bad stuff in it. in chaos cloak, it has more elemental defense from any other magic set. You might not notice that, but if u get on fire with a chaos, vs grey owlite, they amount of dmg that is taken is exactly the same! (chaos has more seconds but much less dmg, grey owlite the oppostite) thats how you have to think about it. Just liek a pro :D
whats your helm?