is so last Thursday. What is the point here? That was the be all and end all back in April and after 8 months it is still the determinant factor for guilds to pick up new bloods? Are people intentionally ignoring shadow lairs and failed miserably at it while at the same time vehemently consoling (laugh!) yourself this game is casual? Another viable option is lockdown. Make no mistake, the game is casual, except the fact is most of these proclaimed masters cannot even handle a casual game.
Vanaduke testing for potential recruits
Tue, 01/03/2012 - 10:12
Tue, 01/03/2012 - 11:16

"Are people intentionally
"Are people intentionally ignoring shadow lairs and failed miserably at it while at the same time vehemently consoling (laugh!) yourself this game is casual? Another viable option is lockdown."
Lockdown is pvp, this would only help a pvp guild. A leader would also want someone that can handle the clockworks, iwch behaves differently. Shadow lairs requieres more energy than a Vana elevator.
Tue, 01/03/2012 - 11:30

Testing is usually useless,because there are alot of active people with [crap] gears who have a potential of being a skilled player. *sigh*
You're complaining that guilds use Vanaduke runs to test out new recruits? You want them to use Shadow Lair runs instead? But this would really make the pool of potential recruits much smaller. Lockdown tests are reasonable, for guilds that are really into Lockdown.
Or do you want guilds to get rid of test runs altogether, and just accept people with decent equipment, or even just random people who seem nice? There are guilds like that, too.