So I just did a Roarmulus run this afternoon and recorded it on video (did a multibox, I'll post about it properly later when it's done uploading). Anyway, since I had the opportunity, I checked my crown balance in the video at the start of IMF and again after collecting the loot boxes just before the elevator to emberlight, and found that I had gained exactly...
Now granted I was dragging along the corpse of my alt, so that's really 4306 when I add the two together, but we'll keep this discussion to per-player payout since that's the relevant statistic here.
I dunno, it just struck me as a low number, especially given I did a similar corpse-dragging-multibox snarby earlier this week and pulled in around 1800cr per-player in raw coins.
Does anyone have recent numbers for RJP (counting only from the start of the first RJP level to the elevator to emberlight, not any levels before or after) to compare this with? I know RJP isn't exactly the fountain of crowns it used to be back in the day, but I'm pretty sure it still pays out better than 2153cr.
Thought everyone knew that...