I've seen that there have been a startling lack of GMs hanging around the forums... and people are going crazy! Itep for instance Eury would have killed him for what he did on this thread:http: //forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/38823 so where have you gone GMs?
Where have the GMs gone?

Helps if you don't put a space in the middle of your link... allow me to assist. http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/38823

Sadly, you are right.
I have been posting and playing a LOT less often simply because now there's lacking any good conversation, or simply horrible ones at that.
Just look at the front page. That and I have yet to hear about new content.
All of which is bad since I wasted 20$ in Explorer packs, then got Skyrim and lost interest in playing altogether.
I do have to think OOO is slacking a bit in development, but who am I to say they are. For all we know they're woking so hard on a new boss (THE CORE!!!!-Doubt it.) and don't have time for foruming.
And now its back to drawing, for me, since I have nothing to do and my friend wont email me back :/

it is the holiday season, maybe they are on vacation or with family.

They encountered a pack of alpha wolvers and they forgot to bring the pierce weapons.

> it is the holiday season, maybe they are on vacation or with family.
Now I'm trying to relearn how to type. Bear with me.

/Hug Eurydice
All that cheering made me sleepy....TIME TO PLAY SK.

Dam it Eury is back I wanted to see more of that French Gm she seemed to be the anti-christ =0.

@Njthug I hear scary background music as she approaches this thread to kill you

Njthug might be killed again by Eury when she sees what he said. :D

Too busy unhinging my jaw and eating whole, live rodents to kill Njthug. Maybe another time.

Eury, no, I always thought you were a fox! You could always eat NJ whole, since snakes eat things bigger than their head a lot.

Eurydice in the 80s: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VObQfWMgmIM

I need to mop up the floor...
And change my clothes...
And go seek psychological help...
/drops to the floor convulsing violently

Yeah, my hair was pretty amazing back then.

/Stares blankly at both GMs

Eury in the 80s looks suspicious like terrible CGI!

GMs are a myth, they are as fake as the Impostoclaus and the Easter Gremlin!!!

>French GM
All I have to say is, "Oui oui~". <3

Poor little Nj, he will never knew what hit him.
Anyway, nice thread, really enjoyable!
:P link doesn't work