heres my suggestion for SK, please if there is an admin reading this please consider this one, and please if you hate one of my suggest just tell me, and for those who are with me, add more suggestion (esp for the skills), every suggestion will be appreciated.
Passive item Skill slot
Shield skill:
-Adds more radius in the shield barrier
-Can protect other knights inside the barrier
-Tougher Shield Barrier
-No shield bumping
-Shield bearer cannot move or people inside the barrier cannot go out unless the shield is down
Sword Skill: (not sure if its a good idea, but hey, its just a sample, any pros and cons you will suggest will be appreciated)
-Additional Slash
-Increased Range or Accuracy
-Damage is lowered in the 4th slash
-Decreased in Range or Accuracy (depends on what was increased)
Gun Skill:
-Increased reload time
-Increased damage if the gunner is stationary (if the gunner use a auto gun type, it will have an increased accuracy not damage)
Decreased accuracy if the gunner is moving
Bomb Skill:(still, its a sample)
-The longer the charge the bigger the aoe and damage it can unleash
-either the bomber will be slowed (much more slower) or the bomb can be released after 2-3 secs
with this type of passive skill slot (like UV but, craftable or buyable in crowns or CE) we can determine what class you want since theres no "CLASS" in SK just items to determine what type you will be...
and oh yea, it is removable since it will have a variety of skill, just suggest more.. 50 will be good, 10 for each item (shield, sword, gun,armor,bomb)
Additional NPC even if its Useless,
add more NPC in town and in safe zone at clockworks, make it look like a bustling city in haven and a refugee camp in outcast... and please make them walk, so i or some or we cant get lonely while walking the bazaar
Maps and mount/pet and mini race
Add more maps, its kinda boring repeating the CW again and again, add more outside haven maps and include a mount, the mounts purpose is your ticket to go outside, the mount is your pet too, you can level it and accessorize your mount to boost its performance, add a mini race game for the mount.
add more pvp option like FFA or TDM pvp, i dont hate lockdown but its like playing TF2 in smaller version.
Craftable Mist tank
some or most of players dont want to spend dollars to get CE, i know CE is buyable but expensive, i have some friends stop playing for a day just to recharge their mist tank, make a mist tank craftable,
Ingredients? make it random every day, especially those excess materials that you dont use
for example
x50 drift wood
x10 fuel canister
x2 calib mod
just get the idea, this will really help alot for other players that are cheapskate lol, if you dont want craftable, decrease the regeneration time of mist energy by 3-5 minutes,
add more weapon type
melee: (not sure if there are weapons like the ones in here, but majority is swords)
(the description is for charged weapons only)
Axe type(can damage in a 180 degree and a reach of 2 cells(i dont know if you get the idea just tell me if you dont))
Hammer Type (stuns enemy in a 4x4 cells)
Mace Type(knock backs enemy 3 cells away)
Bow(if charged knockbacks enemy by 2-3 cells)
Crossbow(if charged will create an explosion on impact)
Javelin(if charge can pierce through 2 enemies)
Scatter type bomb (the name is self explanatory)
Launcher Type (player cannot move and the range is 5-9 cells away with 6x6 AoE, this is where the shield bearer comes in handy)
well this is my suggestions for now, please vote up so i know what will be actually consider by the admin and what will not... and those with low vote, will be deleted or ill just summarize incase you might want to bring it up
I like your idea but pls don spam post it .your idea is amazing ,but i think it gonna take time to update the whole thing