Gun Puppy mouth spawn (the bursts) now comes out further from their mouths. Hence, it's tricker (today) to sheild off the shots whilst thwacking them.
Good Gun Puppy Buff.
Still. Please don't nerf the monsters.
Gun Puppy mouth spawn (the bursts) now comes out further from their mouths. Hence, it's tricker (today) to sheild off the shots whilst thwacking them.
Good Gun Puppy Buff.
Still. Please don't nerf the monsters.
Too much nerf. Although, expect tons more QQ from players if you buff them again. They really were the only challenge left, besides figting a pack of alpha wolvers with a heavy sword.
I've seen a few brandish lines today in my jelly runs. Looked fantastic. i might drop my avenger for that. But after I got my volt driver, I've been using it to take out the puppies and lumber. So maybe not.
Alchemer charge to the side is yum. or between two lumbers and a corner.
Anyone know how easy the drones are now? One or two hits? I mean, if they fall after a few hits, I'll get them out of the way. Otherwise, they're just spikes that I run around.
Retrodes were actually fun xD
Now they're like their scuttlebot counterparts and I get to kill them twice as fast with my OP Glacius/Combuster/Voltedge. YAY.
And here it is:
Got charge attacks from a Fireburst Brandish, a Silent Nightblade and a Voltedge, and a comparison with the Polaris explosion.
Would not normaly post like this. But it meh Birthday and I have cups on.
Third. 3 Black screen level drops. Thank the Tri Ring god fer the elevator pass. Still kinda sucks when yer close to tha boss.
For the record. I am not bitiching. It happens with programming. But I just feel like using meh keys to type. fer chess with meh. If you challenge meh. Put some name of a monster from Sk in the catagory pls.
*edit. UN on for chess: Skint
Example of acceptable chess match tag "Toxigel" or "Darkfang Demo" Whatever. I'll take all commers in chess.
Thanks for playing.
Avenger throws a blade that can hit multiple enemies multiple times -stronger but slower.
Brandish makes an explosion that hits multiple enemies multiple times -weaker but adds status.
One would say brandish looks bigger now, but the triple divine avenger is kinda the same thing.
And the patch bugged out the LD, BN registration screen so that it says thousands and hundreds are playing, making it impossible to see if I'm registering for a game or permanent wait. I just wasted 20 minutes getting shut out of BN fourteen times in a row.
Nicoya you forgot to include the regular 2* Brandish which strangely enough does 3 explosions with it's charge
I like the delay in attack on spawn, but I think it is slightly too long of a wait. I mean, I can now wipe out a retrode with a single charged swing before they even move.
I agree that they over nerfed some of the monsters. I liked wolvers tracking me, even if it did make me run in fear. I do like that they can't warp and continue an attack, as that was cheap.
I forgot there was a change in the brandish line and didn't really watch my charge shot today. I'll have to check it out later.
The only pros I have seen about this patch are the Brandish line improvement and the supression of the instant attack when they have just spawned.
The rest are cons of the new patch and make this game call Rushpiral Knights (They make too much easier rushing all around the map without stopping) and make guns and bombs things of the past. I would not know to tell you how useless is the Catalyzer line right now.
Greetings from a proud Non-Wolver player.
The nerfs were designed to give leeway for future end game content at a higher difficulty level, especially for players with high latency.
(Kinda like when they nerfed Jelly King so Ice Queen could still be considered T2 shadow difficulty)
"future" = soon, right? ...pwease?? zzzZZZZzzzzzz
All the stuff that was still "hard" just got nerfed x_x
The game is already easy enough, where's the challenge? Hope Shmorgishborg is right.
@Trying Ah, I didn't know they added explosions to the 2* brandish. I don't happen to have one kicking around, but if you wanted to send me one with VH CTR, VH ASI and Max vs Construct I'd be more than happy to give it a go. ;)
After nerfing the JK, now this...
This is sad.
Is it just me, or do t3 wolvers teleport off the level's ground and walking on air more than they used to?
I found one way up in the sky earlier today, super close to the camera.
They do, at least they did when I did a Shadow Snarby run earlier today.
Well, there's no denying that this patch was cool in some ways, but I think the bulk of it could be summed up in the following phrase:
"we'll give you guys a sec to mow us down before we get to do anything, k?"
Zombies and Retrodes did have that annoying quality about their cat scratch attacks (i.e. their attack range was larger than was actually able to be perceived), and I guess that it did need a little nerfing, but freezing attack direction AND slowing down their attack speed all at once was overkill, I think, and it probably should have been one or the other, and I would have just stuck with freezing the attack direction, since that attack wasn't all that fast to begin with. Plus, it just looks ridiculous when slowed down like that.
Speaking of which, this was totally unnecessary for Wolvers (as if they couldn't be less of a threat than they once were), maybe except for the Alpha Wolvers, since their attacks had the nasty tendency to catch up with you no matter where you ran.
Now, I hadn't encountered any Gremlins since the patch, but increasing their dodge cooldown to four seconds also sounds like overkill.
Also, that whole thing where the enemies just stand there for five minutes when they spawn makes me feel a little insulted.
And why do the bullets from Gun Puppies spawn so far from their mouths? I should hope there's some kind of visual aid to accompany this change in spawn point on high-quality graffix, at the very least.
The good: Brandish charges buff (It is definitely not OP, because the damage is nerfed on it. 94 DMG on slimes at depth 16 rather than 105.), pause time between spawn and attacks, non-attacking mender
Bad: Zombies in FSC are a joke. They could probably be killed by a proto sword. Haven't faced any derrière though...
Also, JK is easy as hell due to the brandish range. Party of Voltedge, Acheron, blazebrand, and Glacius killed it after it's first spin.
Love the Brandish buffs - they're now comparable charge attacks to the (IMHO) previously unbalanced Divine Avenger (thanks for dropping the big blades down to small blades a few months back!). I refer to my Glacius as the Ice Cannon now, though it does make the Alchemers seem pitiful...I could see a patch to make their rebounds more consistent, especially at 4* and 5*.
Hate the nerfs. Hate hate hate them. FSC was a walk in the park, watch tv while playing kind of deal. I missed a couple swings on zombies where I should have been punished, and the zed just whiffs. I had to walk into spikes to punish myself, it just didn't seem right. The slower attack speed means never shielding, just step half a step to the left. I think I would've been fine with a more gradual attack speed ramp from T1 to T3 (i.e. slow down T1 zombies to this level), but in T3 I expect a challenge and this ain't it. And poor wolvers! Alphas are no longer feared by anyone. The T3 devilites feel like they attack in longer intervals too. The Gremlin cooldown feels right, less chasing a dodging gremlin halfway across the map.
They might as well remove shields altogher in the next patch.
As if I did not see enough people running around while charging up their swords. While I am busy doing close combat tactics, they just run out of my screen only to come back fully charged and just smashes into the enemies I have been slicing with my sword fu and shield fu. Then they are gone again to get charged up. What the hell is that ? Do you call it fighting ?
Talk about hit and run tactics..
It is just rediculous
Hate to say it, but that's how I usually fight.
I'm normally solo, so it's effective for getting in damage and staying away from it, but my shield is DEFINITELY used.
Shield bumping, missed targets, defense, by all means I still need my shield.
But if I'm in a party, I only ever do it to a monster an ally is fighting if I see they need help.
Otherwise I fight like I'm on my own. But of course I try and stay considerate to my allies.
I love the Brandish changes--I don't find it too OP since the mobs have to be lined up exactly right (or maybe I just suck at aiming), and the damage per explosions isn't too, too high. I find that I kill a cluster of mobs in the same time as I would using DA charges/swipes.
I like the non-instantaneous spawn --> attack, since it's a lot easier for people with lag to not be 0hko'd by, say, retrodes.
The permastunned zombies, FSC sure is easy now. You can go kamikaze mode and still do really well. The crowds of zombies aren't even a problem anymore, and I find that I can stand right next to one and not get hit when it does the swipe. Not sure if I like the retrode changes, since I haven't ran into any yet. Wolvers are a joke now, I'm just waiting for them to nerf devilites and greavers.