Sorry divine avenger i dont want you anymore.
But may i ask why? some weapons needed more attention first.
This Brandish.
Causes explosions made of happiness. I <3 my Brandish too.
I love my brandish too :D
I'm so glad they changed the charge attack.
Though I like the buff, I feel that as though the OP is right. *coughSUDARUSKAcough*
its definitely overpowered, altho i dont mind at all. in fsc with attack speed DECREASE MEDIUM i could spam the charge on zombies even on close range and they wouldnt get interrupted but still be too slow to hit me
last time i checked my glacius was pretty powerful in lockdown. just a little reminder those swords cause STRONG status effects making such attacks devastating in pvp, which i wouldnt mind at all if it didnt outshine all other weapons by far lol
As I said in the other thread, I <3 my new polaris-sword. Voltedge FTW!
<3 my Voltedge!
Will add on screenshot showing how far the explosions can go now soon.
DA users, you can cry.
Edit: Here's how far the explosions reach.
lol brandish isn't that overpowering as it seems, considering DA projectiles could go just as far + 3 directions + super KB. Brandish charge is much more useful in LD but I would still say Brandish is now up to par with DA, but not overpowering.
The have a Yellow Inner Ring that expands to the Edge then Explodes. But yeah, I love my Blazebrand even more. Soooo much more...
An update to the Brandish is nice, but what about other swords? *coughSUDARUSKAcough* Against a neutral foe, the charge hit (excluding explosions) of a 5*Brandish does 531 at stratum 6 while the Sudaruska does 468. Granted, by comparing these two swords we enter the realm of "normal" damage versus "split" damage, which seems to be rife with controversy and adamant opinions. Regardless, I feel there were certainly other weapons that needed balancing before the already formidble Brandish got buffed. I am pleased, though. This buff is a potential sign of changes to come. Personally, I hope the "balance team" will address the lacking nature of the Troika-line and add some sort of boon to it.
Sorry for the hijack. If I had a 5* Brandish, I'm sure I'd be giddy with excitement. I look forward to crafting an Acheron when I get a Brandish with a solid UV. Enjoy the buff!
*Pets Sudaruska* "One day..."
I think they're overpowered now. They used to be good even before the buff, now it's just ridiculous. You release a charge and everything dies.
I've always thought DA is way OP too. I've always felt it should only shoot 1 sword out instead of 3.
But yes, I feel like a lot of other "broken" weapons need attention now.
Normal weapons have been useless since the "equipment station" update. Perhaps normal damage should be buffed above the other "neutral" damage types? Also, volcanic pepperbox "sucking in enemies" bug? Troika line? 5* for deconstructor/winmillion? Fix for winmillion charge?.... just a few things to get the ideas started :P
It's not Random anymore, so the fun of it's gone.
The 5* Versions of the Brandish Lines' Charge look like Polaris Shots & I HATE Polaris.
I always thought Brandish Lines were better than Avenger, but now, it looks like a kid going up against an Adult. No Competition.
Now, Nub Cub users are going to Ditch their "Precious" Avengers & start using Brandishes more, making me feel like a Hipster.
@Ironskullkid think i will keep my DA: Very High ASI + High CTR (^_^)
Oh Glacius, come here and let me make sweet, sweet love to you. And Voltedge? YOU WILL BE MINE, just wait!
But seriously, I made a Glacius and never used it in FSC, preferring my DA to it. Now I actually use it, and the difference in play style is very fun.
Here's to having em all. Three cheers for me!
Does it outdps DA in fsc? No? Moving on...
"Does it outdps DA in fsc? No? Moving on..."
Well maybe not just yet... almost though.
but in those situations that you don't want the giant knockback or the stupid glitch where the charge doesn't release, it definitely is better :D Plus status, esp for Voltedge, it might do more xD
D24 hits for Glacius (no DMG bonus)
First hit - 270
2nd, 3rd - 275 ea
charge hits - ~500 for first contact, and 140 x 4-5 for every enemy in its path... And its range is as long as the ex-retrode lines.. or somewhere close xD
Im sad now that they made this patch the brandish is going to be a commonsword. I liked it because i like freeze and that few people have it which made it unique but now its gonna be so common. I hate being commom. Well since this patch has come out how bout making the cutter line stronger. I have a vile striker and trust me its not that good. The charge attack doesnt make the enemy stop attacking so the monster takes like 7 health away from you.
Swords i feel they should buff on the next patch:
- cutter line
- troika line
- spur line
Just wanna thanks Gm that they make brandish useful than b4 now,was thinking to get avenger yesterday bt due to the new update i change my mind and im going to get full brandish line.XD
Troika totally deserved buffing more than brandish. I've been using my glacius forever (mainly to compliment my bombs), but even when I threw on w/e sword set/trinkets I had, I could still easily compete with most others I ran with who used DA/GF, if for no other reason than bein' able to cause the status effect and abuse that...but it...iunno, just didn't need a buff, it was unneccesary, there was no need; the sword was fine as it was. Why fix somethin' that isn't broken?
Go fix my khorovod/sudaruska so I actually have the incentive to bother 5*ing it already, w/o feeling like i've wasted my money.
I mean..making weapons stronger on the same patch that you make almost every enemy in the game weaker? Come on balance team, get back in the sandbox and re-think this one.
<spiral-hipster>I liked my Voltedge before it was buffed.</spiral-hipster>
The two extra explosions are cool, they don't add too much more damage, I think roughly 300 more in total down in fsc. I think this kinda compensates for the swing range and adds a little more damage, but I think the extra range is mostly for the status, not more damage. And for those that know my love of brands, you know I'm loving this, and the fact that people may actually leave their turtlesnailoldmanwithawalker swords :p
<spiral-hipster>I liked my Voltedge before it was buffed.</spiral-hipster>
Seconded (for the Combuster this time)
@Heatsurge - regarding your first paragraph: My thoughts exactly.
And now the Acheron is finally a good sword - Yippeeeeee!
I liked my Glacius before it was buffed :D
And threw away my DA for Glacius in FSC before it was cool :D
again with the comparing...
Indeed my Acheron devours gremlins now (bonus high woot)
But comparing the elem brandishes with DA? sigh... for me its just a matter of preference which is better
Brandishes have 3 strikes but can miss compared to DA wide swing.
charge attack? brandishes fly far, but will never be as wide AOE as DA charge
DA provides knockback, but brandishes allow better shielding.
more and more really...
I just compared them, great! there goes me the heretic...
Do anyone knows a topic about ppl complaining about brandishes too weak or that they should be boosted? Becouse its strange they buff them out of nowhere? Or Am I missing something?
^^ don't know of any threads with complaining, but considering the AOE is supposed to be consistent now (based on patch notes) maybe the devs just wanted things to be more consistent. Both in the 5* weapons hit area, and how often the explosions happen with the brandishes. I mean, the DA, Faust, and Leviathan blade all have consistent large damage areas for their charge attack so why shouldn't the brandish line?
Or maybe devs dont really watch suggestions threads and they just do whatever they want (or maybe they have an actual plan and suggestions are here just to pretend they 'care' about players opinion?) Dont tell you never though about that? We are suggesting ton of very usefull and important fixes that dont affect a certain weapons (therfore propability that they are made just to make some ppl have better stuff) but overall gaming experience but yet, devs decide to fix something that noone complained about, noone suggested? Strange?
oops, connection went down and I hit post again
hmm, I think I like it though perhaps it's OP, I don't really care if it makes my life easier. In fact, I might bother to actually upgrade my Blizzbrand to Glacius, I made up my mind long ago to stop upgrading 4* weapons that weren't bombs, the effects and damage just tended to not be that much better. But's shooting constant explosions now so...
@Asukalanforum There were actually a lot of threads in the Bug Reports subforum with users complaining that their shiny new brandish-line sword wasn't producing the 3/2/1 explosions it was supposed to produce, so making the explosion count more consistent was certainly a highly requested change. I don't recall anyone requesting they add more explosions, though.
i loved my Acheron and Voltedge b4 the patch, but now they are even better!!!!
(> O.o )>$ here ya go, take a nice sum of money giuse :D
Yeah, I guess the oddest thing is that they decided to just buff the brandishes seemingly without user complaints... Maybe they used some kind of in-game statistics that they collect? If that's the case, I wonder what those statistics say about people using normal damage weapons XD... if those people even exist, except calibur users.
I complained a while ago about the Glacius's not-so-robust charge attack. I'm sorry if this was somehow taken into consideration and annoyed people because of the fact that Brandi are now going mainstream T-T.
What did they change anyway?
I really wish I could rename my weapons, because that's what I'm calling this thing now. Strap two wheels on it and you've got a cannon.
Still, buff that Sudaruska line. And the Alchemers, they look like girly weapons next to my Ice Cannon.
Look on the bright side! People might decrease use of flourishes in lockdown! Maybe....
i have acheron,combuster,and voltedge am now screaming out IMAH FIRIN MAI LAZOR everytime i use either of the charges FSC got r**ed tonight
man, brought my VOltedge down to an IMF run and people were calling it the Retrode Sword. heheh BLA-A-A-A-AMMM
nough said.