Randomly more cases than not, when you join or create a party into tier 2 or 3 from arcade you end up with a black screen with the banners above and below, your ce(if not on a pass) and cr gone... This is happening to multiple people and has happened since the patch this afternoon and I came here thinking it had already been reported but hear no one complaining so I must ask who else is experiencing this? Every one of my guildmates and some friends that have attempted to start or join a tier 2 or 3 party have gotten this issue about 4 out of 5 tries.
Note you should be able to be invited by a friend/guildmate, or join on someone in your social list and it works fine every time.
In lockdown also. I have lost 800 crowns due to it now. It's a wide issue, the bug report forums has a topic with about 23 replies in it so far... bug reports, where you're lucky to get 1 reply.
Seeing as I am not willing to waste more crowns for a guaranteed loss and not even the Krogmo Coin to show for it, and it sounds like the Clockworks are just as buggy atm, I am off to play Bioshock. I hope there's a bugfix by the time I check back tomorrow.