Hi I've got a n00b question: as long as I have enough crowns, can I purchase as much CE as I want or is there a limit.....
There must be one like 999999999999999 but good luck reaching it ;)
if that's the limit then good lord; the CE bar does not even have that many digits!!!!
just messing=JM
If u have like 10000ce I think the bar expand!?!?
As someone who has bought the battlepack...
Yes the CE par expands when you get a new digit. look through the threads though and you can find someone complaining about hitting the "CE Limit" because he spends like $50 per week on this game...
There is a limit to how much CE you can buy with actual money each month. You can have that limit raised if you email the GMs. Wiki Info on Spending Limit
There is no limit, as far as I am aware, to how much CE you can purchase with crowns.
That makes you wonder... Who would need so much energy that they would spend 200/400/600$ a month to play the game?
Well, I do for one. Dropping 200$ a month on this game Isn't hard, I could easily get up to 400-800 a month if I really wanted to :3. No this is not for bragging rights, I'm just being realistic here. Also, I'm spending the rest on CE. Once you buy the Elevator pass, pretty much the rest of the CE you buy is profit to yourself. Also, they've added the Elevator pass as a permanent choice. In Spiral Knights, 5.95 US will get you an item which completely nulls the elevator cost requirement thus you only keep earning crowns, etc without having to worry about energy Elevator costs.
Grab your Elevator Pass Today! $5.95 US, 30 Days of no Elevator requirements? Hell yes considering Runescape's Membership doesn't give you anything, is more expensive, and you have to use recurring payments on a credit card if you don't buy the game cards.
No limit.