So who got a Brandish before it was "cool"? :D

Me, and i favor my voltedge over any other sword i have. Voltedge charge + any vortex bomb = mashed robots/jellys/skellys
Also the Glacius has always been cool.....hehe....get

I always stuck by my asi vh glacius <3
I then thought "Maybe I should make a DA for FSC"
Then I threw that idea out the window after the update.

Nice pun. However, I think I'll just give it the cold shoulder.
Also, I had a Glacius before it was cool, I kind of neglected to mention that...

I went ahead and built them all a month ago or something. I saw the sort of damage that a 5* could put out in FSC, so I wanted to get into it. 3 strikes @275/300 vs 2 strikes at 350/400. faster swings...nice statuses...
The Acheron was the first I finished, and I haven't used my GF for a long time now in JK runs. I just rolled ASI med on it it's sick.
I got an undead medium on my combuster, so I bring it to FSC. Everything does the same amount of damage, only they don't get lit on fire. Against the slags, I do 315/315/400 and a charge attack of 550 or so. That's with no other damage adjustments; I haven't gone down to FSC as a swordsman in a looooong time.
I just finished up heating my Glacius. I got a lousy UV roll on it, so I need to grind another 20k.
The voltedge has to be patient for a while. heh

I had mai acheron and voltedge be4 te update

I always preferred my Glacuis over my DA Before the update. xD

Brandish to Blazebrand and Silent Nightblade since the summer... and now they've been 4* for a while now... I was actually saving up CE for crafting Combustor, and then the update came out. All the more reason to upgrade now I guess.

I wanted a voltedge instead of a glacius, but AH had none so I got it.
I also made an archeon for a Shadow sword, and that was...a few weeks prior to this and i'm like

Glacius Undead Med for FSC, Acheron CTR Med/Beast Low for everyday usage. Now that it got that nuke, I've got double the reason to do FSC, and double the power with my CTR charges. I do admit, it's a bit OP, but 'fair' is to those who have the advantage! ;P

I bought my first Brandish back when the alchemy line didn't go past 2 stars.
I wrote my love for Brandish into my entry for the September Fanfiction contest: "Basil's next shift was uneventful. There were plenty of divine avenger recipes, so the knights were relatively content. They loved that sword. Why didn't anyone go for the high-star brandishes? Idiots!"
I like Brandish so much, that I proclaim my love, even though it requires me to admit that I wrote a fanfic.

Only swords I ever did use were my glacius and acheron; they covered every kind of sword needed situation. Slap a dark thorn blade and khorovod in there and you're set for life. Not much need for many more swords for me though, being a bomber, so doubt I'll be 5*ing more swords anytime soon; let's me just stick w/ my glacius.
Kinda sad though, folk using 5* brandish other than acheron was such a rare, rare sight. Now that they've unneccesarily buffed it, it'll be everywhere :(

When i chose to get a 2* sword, it was either a brandish or a calibur, and i didnt know the difference :3

Fireburst brandish was my first 3* and 4* sword and I'm yet to see a combuster recipe so it stalled there. The Barbarous Thorn Blade was my first 5* (and the second sword I've used).

Funny thing is that i decided i wanted to start building an acheron the day before the update and made a brandish

Except FSC, I was using Combuster and Acheron for everything else since August.
I'd say most people. Brandishes are affordable elemental/shadow swords, and people who can't get a Sealed/don't like 2-swing swords would have no other choice except brandishes.