The Big dark cat should eat your shield and leave you defensless until you go to the next depth. Sound good. Good, we all agree.
Lets make the candle stick level even more hated.
The snarble barb maybe? IDK I want to complete my dragon scale set first.
Its like a siggy. Plus Im just saying my steam account is there, IF you want to add me.
It's not that hard to run away from the shadow kats and light up the candles.
If people can run through FSC in Proto Gear, you can easily beat Candlestick Keep with whatever it is you're using.
Jim Dale thinks signatures are a failed claim to fame.
Jackson thinks Jim-Dale is trolling. But who cares right?
I agree with Renpartycat, although I still hate the candlestick levels. They're just boring.
Demonicsothe believes Jacksonsteel is doing it wrong.
I like Trains
*Sees Gremalkin Get Run Over, including misplaced Adventurers*
I was thinking of making a "Candlestick Sucks!" thread, but looks like somebody just did.
There's no other level that makes all the players go "ah crap" when they get to the lift and see what it is, and then they all sit there hoping it'll change.
I think the problem with Candlestick is not it's difficulty level, it's just cheap. It feels like it was designed to trap you in the dark areas so that those stupid shadow cats can chomp on you until you're dead. I mean you can't even shield their attacks let alone kill them. Honestly, the level just feels like they're designed to just want to you die instead of having fun. Maybe they should make a level where you take damage every 10 seconds no matter what until you get to the lift or die trying.....sounds fun right?
You do know you can run circles around them, within range, and get out safely? They don't follow you as they attack. And stop shielding, it makes you slower >.>
If its the monsters stopping you from throwing fireballs, kite back to a lit candle and fight them there. Or, not fight and just run through the level. Candlestick isnt really profitable enough for the trouble for some people.
If you just can't aim the fireballs, try a mouse option for aiming and attacking, instead of wasd+jk for attack/shield.
Huh.. I've never had a problem with Candlestick levels... I used to solo those all the time when they first came out. The levels are probably just harder because your using nothing but Elemental armor. Though first time I went on, I was in a group with a bunch of swordusers that didn't know how to aim at all..That made it a little harder..
The problem with Candlesuck isn't that it's hard. Let me know if you find it immensely fun, then you have an argument on your hands.
I actually love candlestick. My gf QQs every time we wind up in one, but I love it. Great fun, interesting mechanic, whole new challenge.
Although, ever since it came out, I've been rockin' Radiant Sun, Glacius and Shivermist, so even on T3 it's not that hard for me..
Yeah I think some of you are missing the point here.
It's not that Candlestick is too hard or anything, it's just a pain in the butt and not enjoyable as the other levels. It just like the new drones, just a constant annoyance that add nothing positive to the game. Has a drone ever killed me? No. Is it easy to just run by them and ignore them? Yes. Are they cool? No they suck....what's the point of them other than to frustrate us and try to kill us? Just like candlestick.
seriously, why do so many people hate the candlesticks, iv always felt they ad a new challenge to the game that require all new tactics and stop the game from being so repetative.
i think that the only reason i actually hate the candel stick is from whenever i join a random party they are always to scared to do a candle stick and insist on wait 5 minutes from a depth to change to another normal level which i have done a billion times.
i like how you say we are missing the point when you seem to missing the poit of the cande sticks. iwont go on explaining it when the point of them is right above me.
Irony? LOL!
You're saying you like the new challenge, getting to use new tactics, and dislike the repetitiveness. You're under the impression that I'm not for that or don't understand those are good things. Yet I don't think I've implied that at all.
I'm saying I don't like the cheap tricks employed on the candlestick level that creates the difficulty. This is just like the debate about the recent patch which nerfed the monsters. The monsters are less cheap now. Yes that makes them less difficult, but people pro-patch don't want them to be less difficult just less cheap. They rather the monsters to be more legitimately difficult than seemingly cheatingly difficult. It's just that this one patch did not make them more legitimately difficult so they just seem too easy now. That's something for OOO to work on in the future. However a large portion of the anti-patch people don't seem to understand this, just like how you do not understand that I would rather have Candlestick to be challenging without feeling like they're cheating.
But hey, if you just want difficulty no matter what....why not do the regular levels without your normal gear. Use gear that rarely anybody ever uses for those levels. Why not use weapons that the monsters have resistances to and armor the monsters get bonus on you? You'll get your challenge and having to use new tactics your looking for that way.
The problems with Candlestick are:
1) Can't really run through it with the intent to skip, due to the keys and the switch gates and the crowded rooms.
2) Lighting candles and avoiding Grimalkins is a pain, even when you do it properly.
3) You get hardly any crowns off of it, making it both annoying and a waste of time and energy. This is the biggest problem.
Blitzwingoo's comparison of candlestick to the drones are spot on. Not hard, but takes a long time and gives crappy rewards. Why don't they just add a pvp mode where you play chess; it takes forever and you only win like 80 cr each time, but hey: it "adds a challenge that require new tactics and stop the game from being so repetetive".
I believe they should buff t3 rocket puppies to fire 5 rockets instead of 1 (since normal t3 gun puppies fire 5 bullets) and should also fire a quick laser beam before its rocket attack that stuns anyone it hits. This should compensate for the recent game nerfs that made zombies, alpha wolvers, etc a laughing stock.
Use some Shadow armor and an Elemental weapon and you won't have nearly as hard a time.